Chapter 23

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'You will never understand the damage you did to someone until the same thing is done to you. That's why I'm here.

' For most people, blaming others is a subconscious mechanism for avoiding accountability. In reality, the only thing in your way is YOU.
~Dr, Steve Maraboli


While Aiyana's days in the palace of her mates's were being spend in vibrant joi de vevre, the situation was the complete opposite in the Blue Moon Pack.

The whole pack was engulfed in a deathly atmosphere. With a very few people on the roads. The complete opposite of an usual packed day.

Especially at the pack house. All the youngsters, specifically, were treading carefully around the whole pack house. Their usual chattering mouths were completely silent. An unusual scene.

Why you ask?

Because of what happened several days ago.

On the day Aiyana had run away after facing the prejudiced disgrace from the whole pack, especially from the youngsters, their Alpha had come fuming in rage when he heard of what had happened.

In the whole of 25 years of Dexter's rule, nobody had ever witnessed him this angry.

He was screaming and growling, rather specifically, his wolf was out of control when Aiyana had not returned to the pack house even after the clock had stuck past 12 in the night.

Luna Celestine and their son Kace, whom they had gone to pick up from his graduation ceremony from his academy, tried to keep him calm by all means.

Even Ajax was starting to worry.

He thought she would come back to the pack house after wandering outside for a while. But she didn't.

When Aiyana had run away, he had no intention of following her. Also after that, all of his friends had started to pour in to fill him with all the tales of Aiyana, describing of her bratty nature and fake personality, shocking him very much.

They were all fake and made up, of course.

But he believed them. Without much doubts.

Because they were his friends.

In his anger, he was all ready to not talk to her for a long time.

But after Dexter's tantrum and still no sign of her return, even after the midnight had crossed, he just couldn't sit back anymore.

With a group of search team, he had searched the whole vicinity around the pack house in search of her.

But they still found no clue.

That night, the whole pack, especially the concerned elders who cared about little Aiyana very much, unknown to her, were out with torches and lamps trying to search for her. With their hearts in their throats and eyes gleaming with their concern for the little girl who always sold fruits and vegetables in the market.

On the other hand, the youngsters remained statued and tongue glibbed the whole time.

Imagine their horror when they found bloody torn pieces and fragments of some werewolves on a deserted road along with a cloth piece of Aiyana's sweater.

Dexter howled in anguish, while Celestine cried silently in horror and despair after the cloth piece was given to them by a patrol member.

And Ajax.

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