Chapter 16- awkward

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The man spoke to you, seated on a fuzzy blue couch, smiling at you with a closed mouth smile, closing his eyes and making the entire "vibe" of him seem genuinely sweet and caring. He motioned for you to go sit with the small group, waving his hand and trying to get you closer to him, their were about 8 or 9 people over there at the time, all watching, waiting. Don't know what for, we're all stupid here.

(You gotta say that last part in an Elmo voice)

"So button, how has your stay here been so far?" He asked, watching you awkwardly sit down, taking up the least space possible, and keeping your limbs at an uncomfortable amount of jagged. It showed off your overall bonyness on full display.

"Uhhhh, good? Mm hmm" you said, you never really spoke to many people, your parents would always get mad and say you were "betraying them after all they'ed done for you", so being around so many people at once, with all of them focused on you, was just awkward and wierd. To you at least.

"That's wonderful, what do you plan on doing today? I bet we could get someone to take you outside for the first time!" A women piped up, talking to you as if you were a child, looking at you with affection, staring into your soul. At the mention of "outside" your eyes widened for a split second,, maybe if you got outside, you could find ways to get out! And now you can just grab b/n and run away where none of these people can find you. Easy stuff... maybe.

"You know she cannot do that, do not give her false hope. " ace shut shut down your aunt quickly, sending a glance to the side at your aunt, the. Focusing his stare back on you. They would let you go out at some point, just not now, it's to early for that, you would just try something again.

They talked with you for a few minutes, asking somewhat meaningless questions that you answered with clueless answers, you watched the bundle of small blankets rise and fall with b/ns breathing pattern. Guess you know what CC the entire family felt like when you were asleep then, it don't feel very nice.

"I don't know, I'm pretty sure spiders are cooler than walruses" the young man named Ashton spoke, making a mock thinking face, and putting his finger to his chin as you internally giggled at his childish behavior. He just looked down at your smiling self, while others continued to stare at you. Seriously, this has to be a cult.

"Whaaaat? No, I don't think that's true at all, right doll" the man next to you asked, he was inching closer and closer, snaking his arm around your shoulders and crossing his legs, sitting in a trademark "intimidating" stance.  Rubbing your right shoulder slightly. He was tall, like REALLY tall, and he had these big scars running down the side of his neck, his arms were very muscular, and he had a very "fuck with me and I kill you" kinda tone. But even though he was so intimidating, somehow he managed to look so soft to you... witchery

"U-uhm, yes?" You questioned the man, confused at the entire exchange of words, what does a walrus and a spider have anything to do with anything? Anyway, Ashton faked hurt and sighed, putting a hand to his head and pretending to feignt.

"Oh you wound me so!" He exclaimed, succesfully annoying Ace and many others in the room. Ashton was always the "sweet and hyper" kinda person, never really caring about much other than having fun. Not many had seen his bad side, other than the family, and those who did never lived long enough to tell anyone.

He was the definition of two faced

———————-time skip ———————————

It had been about an hour of you speaking with these people, they were all surprisingly nice to you, for kidnappers at least. You already knew Ace, Axel, and Damien, apparently this Ashton dude was also your brother. It took them a long time to explain to you the "family tree", they explained that the man you were sitting with was your grandfather, and that the women was your aunt, and all other except for your brothers were cousins. Apparently none of them liked being referred to as cousin, for they all protested against it, odd.

In the meantime, while you hadn't been looking. All of the teens and adult in the room sent glares to your unconscious brother, knowing he was going to wake up soon. His squirming continued, until you were pulled out of your conversation by a cry from him. The small toddler attempted to sit up, but couldn't due to his arms being literal twigs, and a heavy weighted blanket was ontop of him.

"MAMA" he screamed, about a year ago he started to refer to you as "mama", you still don't know where he learned that word, since you never influenced that, but it was his first word either way so you were proud of it. Since then you actually started considering yourself a form of a mother for him, considering his real one was... a total bitch.

"Oh look who's awake!" Ashton said "happily" and swiftly got out of his chair, bouncing either every step he took, a fake as hell smile was plastered on his face as her glared down at the small child, looking as if he were to strangle him on spot.

'Who the hell is she calling mama?' He thought

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

'Who the hell is she calling mama?' He thought

Your "aunt had maneuvered herself towards you, when you got up to go check b/n and make sure he was okay, she got up with you, holding into your arm gently. You tensed at the unexpected contact, she just looked at you with pure sympathy in her eyes and cooed out loud at your (adorable) face, a tinted blush showed up on the tip of your nose, correlating with your s/c skin, and succesfully made you look even more adorable to this women's eyes.

You went around Ashton and bent over your little brothers body, pushing the heavily packed blankets off of him, and picking him up. Although the family seemed completely calm about your affection for the boy, on the inside they were probably screaming, why were you sooo okay with touching him?!

You cradled his head in your chest, whispering to yourself and him that "everything's okay" or "were all fine". You had known that your parents wouldn't take your disappearance lightly, and would take their anger out on the defenseless two year old. The family was in fact, hoping that they did, so they could get this business over with.

Tears flooded down trails of your face, b/n was really okay! shedded pieces of hope had been pieces together when you saw him. That just brings another problem in though,

How are you even gonna get out of here?

Fun fact: I was contemplating making the reader call the parents in this situation "mommy" and "daddy", but I didn't want to make it weird, and these are rich people so if figured "mother and father" was a better option.

Sorry this update was off schedule, I had like 7 missing assignments to turn in, and I was stressing, but were all good now.

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I'll  try to edit tommorow.

Have an amazing day today, byyyeeee!


Yandere "family" x reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن