3. The Messages

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I read the message for what feels like a thousand times. Its a hoax. This cannot be true. Their body's were confirmed and recovered at the scene! I'm not going back to that traumatic time.

I put my phone down and put it on charge. I block the number and spend a 45 minutes writing the essay. Once im done, I print it out and out it in my homework folder.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and look through the cupboards for ingredients. Once I've got everything, I start to make a stir fry. I add in noodles to a pot and start to cut up peppers and beans. I add them in and add some chicken and add the peppers and beans. I look through the cupboards and find some chilli sauce. I put it in and then season with ginger, garlic and some salt.

While I'm adding in the seasoning, I hear Josh come through the door. He comes in and smiles at me.

J: 'I was at lacrosse practise, what you making?'

Y: 'My version of a stir fry,'

J: 'Oooooo can I have some, smells really good,'

Y: 'Yeah sure, it will probably be done in 10 minutes.'

J: 'Ok time for a quick shower'

He goes upstairs and I finish making dinner. I put it in two bowls and grab some chopsticks. I go upstairs and go into Joshs room. He opens the door and ruffles his hair. Hes only in a dangerously low towel and I stare.
He looks at you and laughs.

J: 'Earth to Blair'

I look up at him and giggle.

Y: 'Sorry, yours is there's

J: 'Oh yes and the chopsticksss'

I laugh and leave. I sit down at my desk with my food and start to eat. I stare into space thinking about Josh and smile. I accidentally start to drool and Josh comes in. He looks at me and bends down. He smiles and gently wipes away my drool and I snap out of it. I look at him and wipe after him.

J: 'Thinking of me in a towel?'

I blush and roll my eyes.

Y: 'You wish, what do you want'

J: 'To say thanks for the food and that it's really good'

I smile.

Y: 'Thank you,'

J: 'So have you done the bitchs work?'

I look at him.

J: 'Miss Green whatever her name is I dont care'

Y: 'Yes I have, shes not a bitch, shes just strict'

J: 'Of course you'd say that miss teachers pet'

Y: 'Hey that was high school!'

He laughs.

J: 'Ugh I did 146 words that's good enough,'

You smile and nod.

Y: 'If she dont let you off then that just mean'

He smiles and nods and finishes his stir fry.

J: 'Should cook for us both from now on'

Y: 'Hey not all meals!'

J: 'No I'd cook some stuff, to be honest all I can cook is cupcakes and bread lmao'

Y: 'Oooooo maybe you could make that bread then'

Josh smiles.

J: 'Yeah sure I could do that's

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