T h i r t y - T h r e e

831 31 20

~ Emily ~

"Oh honey, you are earlier than normal days."

I grinned as I tied my walking shoes, "Maybe out of excitement."

I shrugged. My mother threw me a knowing look and proceeded to the kitchen.

She knew that something was definitely up, but she decided to give me enough time to open up to her.

She's a therapist, after all.

The doorbell rang, and my grin widened, "Mom, I'm leaving!"

"Okay, Emi, just tell Vincent that I said hi!"


I didn't remember telling her about my morning plans, though.

I scrambled to the door, opened it, and there stood he, in his jogging attire, "Good morning, Vincent."

He smiled back, "Very good morning, Emily. Now shall we?" He forwarded his hand and took mine.

Then, we started walking like we had planned beforehand.

"So, excited for our first morning walk?" I asked as we passed our home.

"Apart from the waking up early thing, I think morning walks are really cool and fun."

The air was misty, and a sudden breeze engulfed us.

He was right that morning walks were cool. Literally.

He looked at me, "So how far is our destination?"

"Just half an hour."

"That should be easy, I guess." He said while kicking a pebble in our path.

"Trust me, it is."

Within the estimated time duration, we reached our famous cliff.

"Woah." Vincent breathed out.

I chucked, "Tired already?"

He shook his head while panting.


The sun was just beginning to rise, spreading a little reddish hue all over the sky.

We walked forward and sat down, the same way we did on our first encounter, but now, how different were things...

We weren't strangers anymore.

Vincent wasn't a broken person anymore.

I wasn't a hopeless lover anymore.

We've come a long way, making great progress throughout our journey.

"Beautiful, isn't it, Emily?" He looked in awe, at the sight in front of us.

Looks like the tables have turned now.


He looked at me, "You can't just respond with that."

I chuckled, "But that's exactly how you had responded on that day."

He narrowed his eyes, "So you're taking revenge?"

I laughed lightly, "No, I was just kidding."

He grinned and put his arm around my shoulder, "I know."

Who would've thought that the so-called arrogant boy Vincent was a softie from inside?

"I think we should do this daily."

"What?" I asked.

"Morning walks, what else?"

"Oh, so you'd drive to my home just to take a walk and then drive back. Daily."

He nodded, "Mhmm."

"So you're fine with waking up early, now?"

"Some things are so worth it." He winked.

Having been speechless, I opened and closed my mouth like a suffocating fish.

He burst out laughing, "Oh Emily, what would I do of you?"

"I-I think we should head back."

"So early?"

Did he just pout?

I sighed, "Never mind."

He smiled victoriously, "So, when are we planning to announce our relationship to everybody?"

Of course Emily, how could you forget about that?

"Oh, that. I myself can't wrap my head around the truth that we are actually... together. So, announcing could be a little bit difficult, but anyhow, we'll come through."

"Right." He caressed my hand assuringly.

He stood up and pulled me back to my feet, "It was indeed an amazing sunrise date, m'lady."

"Never said it was a date." I said with a chuckle.

"Doesn't matter." He brushed it off.

Smiling, I shook my head.

"Emily." He looked serious.


"I think I'm hungry."

I laughed at his adorable behavior, "I think I can help with that." Pulling out a granola bar from my sweatpants pocket, I passed it to him.

"Y-You brought it for me?" He looked surprised.

I shrugged, "Thought you'd be hungry."

"And you aren't?"

"No, I am just used to my routine."

"So, I am the first guy who could enjoy all of these fortunes?"

I just smiled at that.

The first and the last.

He quickly blinked back his tears and hugged me, "Emily... I love you so so very much."

I patted his back, "Is that even grammatically correct?" I asked, trying to lighten him up.

His chuckle vibrated through my body, "You are the smart one here. So, you tell."

"Leave it. It doesn't matter because I do love thee, my amorous Vincent."

He pulled away and looked at me amusingly, "Thee do amaze me, my beautiful Emily."

With that, we broke off, laughing at our respective attempts at using the  Shakespearian language.

He took a bite out of the granola bar, "Mm, I think I could make it up to you for bringing this for me."


His lips quirked up, "By making breakfast for you."

"Aww, that's so sweet."

He lifted his arms up, "But in my defense, I'm not as good as you, but I'll try making waffles. They're easy, right?"

I nodded, "Whatever you make will make me happy."

He pulled my cheek, "Looks like someone's blushing."

"I am not!"

He snorted, "Of course you aren't. Anyways, want a bite?"



"Jesus Emily! I was talking about this chocolate." He nudged me by his elbow, wiggling his eyebrows, "What were you thinking?"

"Uh, nothing and no, you can have it whole." I smiled.

He shrugged, "Either way, fine with me." He then looped his arm through mine, and we started to walk back home.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Now, I'm happy for who I am, and I no longer wished to be somebody else.

I am glad that I am, me.

I am glad that I am Emily Heartwood.

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