Chapter 13: Lucked Out

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3 weeks ago..

"Hey, Fruity." Akira said to Fruity, as Fruity waves at her.
"Hey Akira, what's up?"

"I think I'm beginning to accept my gender for the first time.."
"..Oof. Are you sure? What if the school doesn't accept it? You've been dedicated to the role as a guy, going into the boys bathroom and everything, are you sure you want to tell them?"
Fruity said, as Akira was offended.

"So you're saying don't tell them? Don't accept the gender I was born with? You're telling me to just allow everyone to bully me, Fruity?" 
"That's not what I'm saying-"
"Then what are you saying?! I want to hear you say it out loud, now!" Akira shouted, as Fruity scratched his head.

"..You sh-"

Akira swung her hand at Fruity's face, slapping Fruity's cheek. Suddenly, Akira noticed a vein popping out of his forehead, as Fruity slammed his fist into the desk.

Kokoru walked in to see him arguing with Akira, the bickering got louder and louder. Kokoru shrugged it off as Fruity getting mad at Akira again, so he sat down and began eating. He looked at my food before hearing a table slam.

"Oh my god! Fruity, I'm-"
"Shut the hell up, you green little SHIT!" Fruity shouted, as Rhed walked up to diffuse the situation.

"Fruity! Relax, man. You were never like this with the others, with Shizuka and Kam-"

Fruity punches Rhed, as he hits the table and is almost hit by a fork. 

"..I'm sorry."

Back in the present..

"Man, I feel like I've been asleep forever! What happened?"

The whole car turned around to face the man at the end of the car. They saw one, sitting up.

"What? Something on my face?"
"How are you awake?"

"I dunno. I just smelt smoke and opened my eyes." The man said, as Kokoru flicked his head.

"Ow.. what was that for?"

"You're really here.. Rhed."

"Yeah, I am. Anyway, what did happen?" I asked, as the car goes quiet.
"I see.. I can ask when we get home." I said, as Akira hugged him. 

Back at the house..

"Wow. This is the house? Nice.. I'll just sit he-"
"Nope. We need to make sure you don't feel the effects of post-hospitalization." Kokoru said, as he brought me into the kitchen. 

Kanashi walks up to Noa, looking outside. She admires the sky, as Kanashi walks up to her.

"How'd you know the two? Toshiro and Tafu, how'd you know them?" Kanashi asked, when Noa began to monologue.

"I knew them once my mom and dad decided Nozomu was too good for me. I couldn't even tell you guys, and I was really pissed off. Then, I met Tafu and Toshiro. They introduced me to a group of 20 people that called themselves 'The Lovers'. They were my Family away from my family, a group that protected themselves and others. Then, bombs began to fall, and the group was split into an argument. 12 of them went and defended Sutareta, while the other 4 would get to shelter and protected by Tafu. 4 of the Lovers didn't even know what was happening.. I never knew what happened to the 12 that ran. For all I know, they could've died as soon as the bombs fell. I'll never know what happened to Senpai Shinjiro.. or Ibu-Ibu.. I'll never get to tell them anything anymore." 

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