The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

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At home, she was invisible; after marriage, she was a decorative vase; in the end, a sea of flames buried her, and not even her corpse remained. This is the portrait of Han Yuxi’s previous lifetime.

Given a chance at rebirth, she strives to improve herself, wishing only to no longer serve as a foil or a pretty face. Then, she will seek out an exemplary husband and live a life of peace and prosperity. Alas, things turn out contrary to her wishes—she marries a man who bears a blood feud and hatred as deep as the sea.

She turns the world upside-down, but her road to happiness is strewn with setbacks and the sweetness that comes after bitterness.

It is a good ancient drama novel. It involves political issues and internal household issues. Both mixed up well. Unfortunately I got bored halfway, I couldn't find the ending too.
MC is rebirth to 5 yo when she had a smallpox. In the last life, she was forced by her father to marry Jiang Hongjin. JH love MC third sister, but she become a queen so JH marry MC to see the queen. JH never consummate with MC, MC always endure it because no one care for her. Her aunt and 2nd brother are the only one who love MC but they are only like MC because MC mother saved 2nd brother. MC mother already died early. MC father and grandma hates MC without valid reason. MC tried to become better and pleased her father and grandma. She know she couldn't ruin their relationship because her marriage is in their hands.
MC father keep punishing MC so MC scheme to make her father expel her. MC was adopted to her aunt. MC was repeated targeted by other people. In the end she got imperial edict to marry Yunqing. Yunqing is a general in the border, his family all died because of Song family. Song family is rampant because Song consort is pampered by emperor and have 2 prince. Yunqing want to revenge his family but he never want to rebel.
After he married MC, MC repeatedly got assassinate attempt until her 2nd child was born premature and she was in comma. Yunqing decide to rebel and ask emperor to give him the northwestern part.
I stopped reading there since it only has politic conflict. I keep waiting when the Song family fall but it seems forever, so I'll let it go.

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