That Rock Is Phenomenal!!!

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"Zara, let's go!!!"

"Wait, I'm almost done!!"

"You said that 20 minutes ago, you want us to be bad guests?"

I walked down the stairs with my heels and purse in my hands.

"You know, we could stay home and watch Bones instead of going to their house."

"Me too Love, but then again I want to show off my 'soon to be' wife everywhere so LETS GO!!!!"


"WELCOME TO THE CRUISE MANSION. I'm glad you considered my invitation best friend."

Ew, don't call me that. Like no, that's wrong.

"I mean, of course I would never pass up such a 'captivating' invitation."
But of course, she didn't hear what I said because she was too busy eye-fucking Mason, who was too busy on his phone to even notice.

"And....who's this eye candy you're with?" She asked batting her eyes towards Mason.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare? And I'd appreciate it if you stop looking at me like your next bloody meal ticket-" I guess he actually did notice.

"-oh and, to answer your question, Mason Anderson, Zara's fiancee." He said while holding my hand up for her to see.

Chrissy noticed the diamond on my finger and she almost choked on her saliva.

Don't laugh bitch, she's literally having a heart attack. But...I don't blame her, your rock is PHENOMINAL!!!!!

"Well-" she started, "- I suppose congratulations...are in order. Let's go inside shall we? We've been outside for way too long. Come, let me show you around."


30 minutes and 30-ish rooms later of all shapes and sizes we were in the dining room, eating our food.

"So Mason" Chrissy started, "how long have you been with Zara? I mean you must be serious if you proposed to her right?"

"5 months going on 6."

" Are you sure, I mean 5 months is a short time for you to even think of -"

"How me and Zara decide to spend our time together is not any of your damn business. Focus on your business and I'll do the exact same." Chrissy looked shocked at his sudden outburst, she obviously doesn't like not having her way.

The tension was way too much at the table so I excused myself.
I didn't know the way to the bathroom so I ended up wandering aimlessly just wanting to get away from all the weird energy.

I walked to the end of the hallway into the garden and sat at one of the benches.


"Oh. It's you.

" I knew we'd never be able to talk at the table, so this is the perfect time to talk it over."


"Zara, I still love you. And it kills me knowing that you're getting married to another man. I want you back baby. I'll do anything to get you back, I can even divor-"

"And what the fuck do you think will happen after that Scott? You think that we'll end up loving each other and living happily ever after? You fucking broke me Scott. I loved you, I actually thought that you loved me too-"

"-And I do-"

"No you don't!!! You just loved the idea of being with me! You loved the security I gave you. You were nothing but a bloody parasite that just keeps on taking and taking and taking because you knew that I would do nothing to stop you. But right now, it ends here. I love Mason, and he makes me happy. And I'm not gonna let you or that slut you call a wife ruin that for me. If you ever bring this up again, I'm telling Mason."

At this point he was looking desperate "But baby-"

"But nothing!!! This better be the last time you ever bring this up, or else...." I walked back in the house wanting to get this night over and done with.

I sat back down at the table with Chrissy trying to initiate small talk with Mason, and he clearly wasn't having it.

He grabbed my hand as soon as I sat down next to him. " You okay, you look a little flustered there."

"I'm okay, the weather's just insane outside."

Not long after I've taken a seat Scott sits on his seat with a sour look on his face.
"Scotty baby, are you okay-" Chrissy doing a pathetic job at trying to cheer him up
"- I'm fine. Stop touching me ."

The slut quickly plastered an obviously fake smile on her face and cleared her throat.
"Well, I wanted to share these news with you guys because you two are the most important people in my life....and I just wanted to make it as great as possible."

Yawn. And you couldn't invite your family for this? Oh yeah, that's right. They disowned you after learning what a gold-digging slut you are.
Shut it, subconscious mind.

I didn't even realize I zoned out until I kept seeing the bitch animatedly moving her hands and her mouth moving ridiculously fast..

"So, with that being said....I'm pregnant!!!!!!"


"Isn't that great baby?!?! We're gonna be parents , just like you wanted." She exclaimed, her fake boobs almost slipping out of her black latex dress.

We. Were. Stupefied.

"Uhh, congrats guys. You would make grrrrreat parents."
You liar, they'll definitely forget their kid in a bathtub one day.

"Aww thank you Z. I knew you'd love it." It was at that time that stood up that I noticed how big her belly actually is, she was like....7, maybe 8 months pregnant?
We didn't notice at the door because it was chilly and she was wearing that ridiculously huge white fur coat.

She noticed me staring. "Today marks exactly 8 months of me being preggers." She said answering my thought.

"Okay, but why is he so shocked?" I gestured to Scott.
" He's been busy working and out of the country since the day after the wedding, and the last time he saw me my belly wasn't as big as it is now. Plus he only touched down an hour before you came, and me being busy preparing for the dinner so I decided to just show off when all my favourite people were present.

Okay, this is weird as hell. The fact that you would marry someone who didn't even notice your pregnant belly is insane. Why would you put yourself through all that? For what? Money? Wealth? Fame?

I felt sorry for her. All this looks very....forced. I can't help but feel sorry for her. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict that she'll probably be raising that baby alone, or leave it in the care of the maids.

"Okay all this is fun and hunky dory, but we need to leave now. Thanks for this....interesting dinner." I replied pulling Mason up with me. " We'll get going now."

"Thanks for coming, I hope I can meet you guys again soon." She waved to us.

"You definitely won't ,I'll make sure of it this time" I muttered under my breath.


"That was....." Mason started.

"Cringy, awkward, so booooooring?"

"I was gonna say desperate and sad but, yes. That too. I'm starting to think we really should've stayed here instead."

" I know. The food wasn't even that good." I frowned remembering the rubbery piece of meat I chewed on for minutes on end until I gave up completely.

"But....there's something else we can try" he gave me a long steamy kiss to which I complied.

He carried me to our bedroom and we fucked senseless all night long.

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