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Being the curious person I am , I didn't wait  till I was back home , I got out of the club and started taking the thing in the bag out  as I leaned on a parked car near by .

It was the hat Axel was wearing, as much as it was kinda embarrassing cause like ,what If i looked too desperate or just saying all that so he would give it to me ,but at the same time and regardless of how I looked I was really happy with the hat , a new addon to my collection.

I took another quick peek in the bag and there was a small folded paper.

I took it out and a small note was written on it , ' thanks for the night , I had fun getting to talk and know you a bit , hope you take good care of this special hat and add it to your collection ' the note read .

Well thanks Axel ,I will sure do , I thought to my self as I put the note and the hat back in the bag .

I was exhausted to say the least and couldn't wait to be back home and throw my self flat on my bed .

Putting my earphones in and playing  some calm music , completely setting the mood for this short jog home .

" Home sweet home " I whispered to my self as I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me as quite as possible.

Everyone is asleep at this time and waking them up at almost 4 am isn't something I want to do .

I climbed  up the stairs and into my room , closing the door behind me I jumped on my bed and imiditly went into full relaxation mood .

The room dim , calm ,sad music playing in my ears and a comfertable bed beneath me keeping me warm and cozy.

Beeeep ......... Beeeeeeep ........ Beeeeeeep

Two things are against me in this fucked up world, actually three , my sister, that guy she is obsessed with and this fucking alarm that wakes me every morning in a not so fun way .

Well time to go to ' tasty diner ' were you can actually get a pretty good breakfast and lunch from ,yet we originally serve dinner , this is where I work in the evening if you haven't already concluded so .

And yes ,I normally wake up at 5 or 4 , sue me , I work till 3 in the morning and return at almost 4 am did you expect anything else.

" Zack " an innocent hight pitched voice immerged from behind the door , it's not so innocent though, the owner of it was just making a show you could say .

" Fuck of bitch, im not in the mood for your shit " I agressively replied, it's one of those days where I wake up and bam..I completely hate my life and the people living it and very pissed for some reason.

" Sheesh , chill ,I was just telling you that you will be going with me  to the real life meeting tomorrow , the ticket I bought allows me to bring a partner " she said from behind the door

" First, of all why are you telling me this now and second, who the fuck said I will be coming with you ?" I said as I put my phone on the charger . fuck , I forgot to charge it yesterday.

" First , because you need to tell your boss that you won't be able to go to work on the day of the meeting and second mom said you will have to go with me , no complains ,am leaving,bye " she said her voice sounding way to cheerful than I would like to hear at 4 pm , and talking about 4 pm ,I need to go to work and now .

"Zack , are you aware that you're late , AGAIN" would like to introduce my very loving and caring boss . that was sarcasm.

" Yes sir ,I apologize but you know about my state and that I have a second job that ....." I was in the middle of explaining my situation when he cut me off " that let's you off very late at night and blah blah blah , I don't want to hear it Zack , you are starting to become irrelevant over here , why would I need a dumb 21 year old running around here for 3 ,4 hours then leaving, you are lucky I still pay you " the fat man shouted dragging the attention of some workers.

" I apologize sir ,I will try to fix it , I......I wanted to ask you sir if I............if I could skip work tomorrow , I have something really important to do at that time " I stuttered, to be honest as I let those words out my mouth I knew for sure I would be fired, but all jokes aside , I was tired of this asshole and it would actually be amazing if I could finally leave .

" Wow , so you are late,and now you're asking if you could  skip work tomorrow for an important event , what's more important than coming here and doing your job , that's if you call what you do here a job and also ...." I was getting furious at this point.

" You know what fuck you ,fuck this and fuck everything,I quit you asshole, i can't stand over here and listen to you insult and talk shit about me, I quit " I said as I threw my work badge and hat on the floor and and turned to leave this shitty place , believe it or not there food is actually garbage, don't know how some people come and eat here . Everyone avoids making decisions when mad but I take that chance to spray venom at those people when I can

" And keep your dirty money, I don't fucking need it " I shouted as I led my self to the exit door , well now I gotta look for another job .

I heard that bodyguards get paid a lot , ohh or a model , is my shape and face suitable for such job ?

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