41: Gone Mad

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My heart raced while looking at the officers around me.

"Steve, Ivan. Listen to Daddy, okay?" My boys nodded while tears are forming on their eyes making my heart ache. Sighing, I hold both there heads and hug me as I also tear up.

I'm such a jerk earlier for forgetting my beloved wife. Earlier when I was in the middle of panicking my head throbbed painfully then I lost consciousness and next thing I know, I remembered everything.

And now it pains me a lot knowing that my wife is on a dangerous situation. It also pains me knowing how my wife was put in hell when we almost lost I van, Stevan on a critical state, while I had an amnesia.

"Sir, we have to go now" The officer called me, I nod at him before hugging my sons tightly as I let go with them.

"Stay here my sons, I will save  your Mommy" They both nodded while still crying silently. I kissed there foreheads before following the officer. 

I'm glad that Dad and Joy's best friends are here for us, because of not I think I will really lost my mind now.

With a determination. I sat inside the patrol car praying for my wife's safety.

"I'm coming Joy"







I wince as Clarisse dug her knife on my thigh.

"Does it hurt sweetheart?" She ask like a crazy woman she is now.

"No. Nothing at all" I said sarcastically and immediately regret when she dug it deeper.

"Ahhhhh!" I scream in pain and tears flows down.

"Shh, My dear don't cry I'm just starting" She said like taming a kid, but I'm not!

With anger fogging my mind I spat at her.

"Fuck off you crazy woman!" I shouted at her only to be get slapped.

"Does it hurt huh, darling?" I ask her sarcastically and again she hit me.

"Is that all you could do huh? To slap a woman tied in a chair? How weak" I spat at her sizing her capabilities.

"Shut up!" She shouted as she repeatedly slap me right and left but then her hand halt in the as we both hear loud thud and gunshots.

"Someone's here" I said smiling at her to scare her a little but what she did next wipes my smile away.

"If dying here with the both of you, then I'll be the happiest human ever" She then laugh devilishly while holding a controller.

"You don't dare to use it" I said as nervousness crept my whole system specially when I heard Stevan's voice.

"Cat got your tongue now Joy? Does it make you feel happy now that both of you will die here?" I shake my head in fear. How could be the socialite and sophisticated woman I met before turned into almost a psychopath one?

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I shouted at her confused on why is she doing this things to us now that we already united and slowly making a happy moments for our family.

"You! Stevan! And his devil half-brother. Made me like this! I f not because of them I will not turn into this! I will not loss him!" She said crying but I flinch a little when she suddenly burst into laughter.

"A hell life to you, is my haven" She said before turning her bringing something that made my blood cold.

A gun.

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