Chapter 9

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I really needed this race.

This distraction.

And I am pissed off that I didn't get it.

I have been agitated about spending the next couple of days stuck with the swim team, but it was alright because I was going to be racing. I was going to be swimming.

That is why this competition has been good. It is an important comp, our team needs points to keep our reputation up and in the running for the overall points. It's also important for me to do well so I can keep my scholarship.

And now that has all been jeopardised.

The nervous and the anticipation for the race were meant to distract me from my really shit week. But it doesn't seem like it is going to anymore.

I don't have many friends, most people can't deal with my fluctuating moods. But surprisingly I do have a few.

I have one less now. My oldest friend died a couple days ago. He got in with the wrong crowd and overdosed. When I found out the news I was in denial, there is no way that Henry would be that stupid to do that. But then I talked to his Mum and it quickly became real.

I haven't allowed myself to have time to think about it, with the swim comp coming up it was easy to distract myself. But now, now I am sitting here with all these horrible thoughts invading my mind and I can't swim myself out of this one. Instead, I am forced to sit with him in my mind. Forced to come to the cold hard reality of it. I'd rather stay in dreamland.

I bang my head repeatedly on the wall behind me in frustration.  

"Would you quit it!" Snaps Quinn from across the room. She sends me a nasty glare. "Just because I am stuck in this room with you doesn't mean I am going to tolerate you."

I scoff, "This is your fault, remember. If you didn't go all psycho ex on me we wouldn't be here." I snare, sick of her shit.

Quinn Bell is Oliver's ex-girlfriend. She is a swimmer at our rival college. Queen bee of her college and is hella quick in the water. I remember the massive drama circulating when her and Oliver broke up. It seems she's still not over it.

I was lucky enough to run into her before my race, note the sarcasm.

I didn't even know she knew I existed until she shoved me into this stupid classroom acting like a jealous bitch about Oliver. Went on about how I needed to stay away from him. Then she tried to do a graceful exit except the door was locked.

Would have been real fucking funny—if I wasn't the one stuck in it with her.

Fucking awesome.

"I'm just looking out for Oliver. He's too good for you. You don't know him like I do."

I rub my temple feeling a killer headache coming. "I don't know what you're talking about. I just wanted to fucking swim."

I just want to forget.

That makes her press her lips together. Good, I need some peace and quiet. My mind is already loud enough.

"I'm not going to apologise." She states, her chin held high.

I sigh deeply, not really giving a shit. "I know."

"If you just left Oliver alone we wouldn't be in this situation."

I lift my head giving her a confused look. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

She narrows her eyes on me. "Oliver already has enough shit to deal with, he doesn't need you playing with him."

I arch an eyebrow. "Playing with him?"

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