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[Name] didn't fully understand why Michael had to be taken away. She had been told that he had done some terrible things but nobody had told her what.

All she wanted was a full explanation but she wasn't given one. They all thought she was too young for the truth.

However [Name] was happy with one thing. She was being allowed to visit Michael. Twice a month and she had to be supervised while seeing him at first.

It wasn't as much as she would have liked but at least she got to see him.

Right now [Name] was in the car, patiently waiting until she was there.


Her and Michael weren't allowed to be in the same room. Some whispers of it being for her safety was all she heard of why... people still weren't explaining things to her.

Michael looked up as she entered the room opposite to his. His face lit up as he saw her, for days he had been thinking she would abandon him after he was taken away.

But she was here, speaking to him.

At first [Name] had tried asking him what had happened but Michael wouldn't say. He didn't want her to view him as a monster.

Eventually their conversations became normal again, like they were before this incident. They would talk and laugh like they did in school.

After a few visits, people in white coats who had been observing Michael and how he interacted with [Name] allowed them to be in the same room, still watched over, but together at last.

[Name] was happy to be able to hug him. She found it unnerving as the white coated people watched them and wrote things in notebooks but she tried to ignore it.

She had also become aware of her parents unwillingness to take her to see Michael. They would try to convince her that he was bad, and that she shouldn't see him.

[Name] didn't listen of course.


About four months of these visits passed and she still came every two weeks. She would bring Michael gifts that she made, this time was a drawing of them together.

Michael smiled as he looked at it. He only ever smiled when [Name] was there. Sometimes he wished she would never leave.


It was the evening now. She had stayed for longer than usual and her parents knocked on the door before coming into the room, telling her it was time to leave.

Michael gripped onto [Names] arm, staring at her parents intensely.

His grip tightened and [Name] whimpered

"Michael let go... it hurts!"

He let go of her arm but wrapped his arms around her, not wanting to let her go.

Her parents began shouting for help desperately, staring at Michael in horror.

"Someone help! Let go of my daughter!"
"[Name]! I told you he was bad!"
"You're never coming back here again"

Hearing these words only made Michael more enraged whist [Name] began to tear up. She was scared, she had never seen Michael act like this but at the same time she didn't want to leave him.

Eventually two men in white coats came in, prying [Name] out of Michaels grip.

Michael continued to shout, as [Name] cried, reaching out for him, scared that she would never see him again.

As she was dragged out of the room by her parents and Michael was held back by the two men he screamed out. Calling for her to come back.

"I'm never letting you go!"

His Friend [Michael Myers x F Reader]Where stories live. Discover now