And so what is this?

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Lisa and I were in my bedroom trying to pick an outfit for me to wear at the firm's annual dinner. Dressing up is not something I'm very good at.

'And so what's this?'

She was holding up the large black strap-on dildo that I'd forgotten was in the drawer I kept my scarves in when I asked her to get my green silk one out for me. My face promptly went bright red.

'Exactly what it looks like.' I answered, trying to sound blasé.

'So exactly what are you doing with it?' She asked.

The truth was that I had a kinky husband who liked me to take him from behind with it, but I couldn't tell Lisa that now could I? I stuttered and stammered unconvincingly about wanting a more adventurous sex life while I tried desperately to come up with a believable explanation, but it wasn't working and Lisa jumped to the obvious conclusion.

'I didn't know you were into girls, Debs.' She said.

'I'm not.' I protested, alarmed.

If truth be told, I'm not into girls, well, not really, but I have always harboured a touch of bi-curiosity. Just a vague wonder what it would be like to be with a woman. Not that I was about to admit that to Lisa, or to do anything about it.

'Yeah, right. Now pull the other one.' She was teasing me, but I could sense that there was a kind of serious enquiry behind the words. 'So what's it for, just in case you decide to turn lezzie?'

'No, really, I'm straight.' I gave in when I saw the disbelief on her face, knowing that I'd have to tell her to prevent her thinking of me being a closet lesbian. 'Look, if I tell you, will you promise to keep it secret?'

'Of course I will.' Her eyes shone with curiosity.


She nodded. 'Promise. And you've got to tell me now because you've got me wondering.'

I looked at her for a few moments wondering how to tell her then I just shrugged my shoulders and launched into it.

'It's Frank. He's straight too, but he likes me to use it and fuck him up the bum with it sometimes.'

'You're kidding?' A grin of astonished amusement was spreading over her face. 'Really?'

'Yep, really.' I confirmed. 'You know what they say, it takes all sorts. But that's between you and me, and it mustn't get out.'

'And does he use it on you as well then?'

'No!' I almost stopped at that, but for some reason I went on. 'I've asked him to, but he won't. He says if I can have the real deal, why do I want plastic?'

'And you haven't fancied trying it with someone else, like a woman? I'm sure there's a girl who would like to do it for you.'

'No not really.'

'Not really, eh?' She giggled. 'So you have a little bit?'

She was getting to close to the truth. 'No. I told you, I'm not into women.'

'Come on, we're friends. You can admit it to me.'

'What, so you can have a laugh?'

'I think you've admitted it now, saying that. And no, I wouldn't laugh because I've wanted to go to bed with a woman for years, but I've never had the chance.'

That was something I hadn't expected. Never ever had Lisa given any indication that she was even remotely bi-curious. I stood and stared at her.

'So you see, you can tell me.' Her face had that please take me seriously look on it. 'In fact, if you want someone to use that dildo on you, I'm your girl.'

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