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Wren Ridley

"The lattes here are amazing," Stella said for the third time she sat down. She and Jess showed up at the coffee shop after my run and sat down across from me, Stella sitting in Landon's usual spot.

I didn't hide my annoyance at the two of them, but they both chose to ignore it. Stella never let stuff like that get to her. That was probably why she kept being friends with me; she could withstand my efforts to push people away.

I stared across at her, my eyebrows raised as she turned to say something to Jess. The two of them giggled at whatever she said and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"What, are we ruining your alone time?" Stella asked, looking back at me. "Is that why you're being pouty?"

"Something like that," I responded, sipping on my latte.

Just then, Landon walked in the door, his cheeks flushed from his run and the cold air outside. He glanced over quickly to where I sat as if just making sure I was there before walking up to the counter and placing his order with Anthony.

The two of them made small talk, Anthony grinning at him. That caused an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Landon rarely ever talked to anyone other than me, but there he was, making small talk with Anthony, the two of them grinning at each other. I didn't like it.

When Landon had his coffee, he walked over to our usual table and stopped for a moment as if unsure what to do. Stella was in his seat and the only seat available was the one next to me.

The two of us locked eyes and he sat down beside me.

"Hi Landon!" Stella exclaimed excitedly.

"Hey," he replied quietly. He nodded in greeting to Jess. His posture was rigid and tense and he turned slightly to face me, his knee knocking into mine.

"You actually just reminded me of something," Stella started. "The rink at our school is going to start doing public skating on the weekends and we need to go."

"I won't be there, but you guys have a good time," I told her.

She made a face at me.

"Of course, you'll be there, Wren," Stella replied. "And so will Landon and James."

"I don't–" Landon started. "I have hockey."

"So we'll go when you're free," Stella said with a shrug. "I really want to go guy. With all of us."

"It'll be fun," Jess said, directing a smile at Landon.

He looked at her and I could see it on his face that he was going to give in. He felt guilty about whatever it was that went down between them, but he was too scared to try and make amends. This way, he could do it without really saying anything and hope that the guilt went away on its own.

"Yeah, I mean, I guess it could be fun," he said, glancing over at me.

"I'm still not going," I said.

"Yes, you are!" Stella said.

Stella stood up, Jess following her, and told us they had to get going. The two of them walked out of the coffee shop hand in hand, saying goodbye to Anthony as they left.

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