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"Don't be forced to do anything. Be a force to do something." Adebisi Matthew Adewale 



Both Perrie and Joe turned immediately towards the suddenly open door, and both released a gasp as they saw the menacing stature of John Parish standing at the threshold.

Joe was immediately immobile, frozen, as he stared at his father while simultaneously lying with a very unchaperoned Perrie straddling him. But mere moments later, he seemed to regain some of his composure, and he immediately shuffled Perrie off of him. She stumbled, through no fault of Joe's, as she was as equally stunned to have been happened upon in so compromising a position. The moment Perrie was on the floor, Joe crouched in front of her, placing himself between her and his father.

"I came to demand you make haste, but I see that you have already found yourself a whore to bed." John's voice was utterly venomous, low and calculating.

A hiss escaped Joe's mouth at the insinuation, and he spat back, "Do not speak of her in that way."

"In what way? It is the truth of what people will say. What other word would one use to describe a girl dressed as such in a man's chamber at this time of night?" challenged John.

Joe saw the threat, the taunt, in his father's eyes, and it reminded him of his curiosities as to what had transpired between his father and Perrie earlier. But he did not have to wonder long. Perrie would not be protected. She believed she did not need protecting, and the launched herself out from behind Joe's body, stomping towards the viscount with an ire that could only be hers.

"Did you just threaten me?" Perrie fumed. She stood a foot shorter than Joe's father, but she showed no sign of intimidation.

John's eye twitched as he glared down at Perrie. The look alone was enough for Joe to race to Perrie's side. No matter her determination to use her tongue, Joe couldn't stand to watch and do nothing. He had been powerless to protect himself for twenty years. But for her?

"It was not a threat, my lady, it was a fact," John responded coldly. "Look at yourself. An unchaperoned maiden in your state of undress, caught in a rather scandalous position with a man. 'Whore' would be a term of endearment compared to what some might say."

"I came here this evening to make sure that your son was alright. I am not compromised," Perrie growled.

"You were nursing him with your loins, now, were you, my dear?" John tsked pitifully as Joe saw red.

"That is enough!" he shouted furiously, seizing hold of Perrie's arm and pulling her backwards towards him. Perrie stumbled at the force in which Joe grabbed her, and she fell into his chest. The moment she was there, Joe instinctively wrapped his arms around her protectively. Perrie did not struggle from him then. "You have said quite enough, Father!" Joe seethed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his anger flowed through him.

Fear left him. The memory of being afraid of this man felt entirely foreign to Joe as he listened to his father's vitriol and threats against Perrie's reputation.

"You will not dare to speak to a lady in such a way, with such vulgar suggestions." Lord, Perrie did not know anything, as was the way with unmarried women of her station. Only moments ago, she had revealed the extent of her knowledge, and it only encompassed kissing.

"He would dare, because he is a toad!" Perrie cried from Joe's grasp.

John merely smiled as he heard Perrie's insult. He did not even flinch at the way that Joe had spoken to him, and his lack of reaction resulted in Joe's nerve wavering. "It seems as though you will be the one needing to check her disgusting, little mouth, Joseph," he mused.

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