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Word Count: 2201


I walk through the manor doors, shoulders back, chin tilted up.

The guards stare in wonder and confusion, making to say something, but I wave them off. I don't want a fuss.

"Get my father," I tell one of them.

The nod, rushing off toward his office.

It's early evening and I'm finally returning home. I spent my entire childhood in this home, and now it just feels vast and empty, void of everything that once pleased me.

Ark and I spent the whole day coming up with a plan for tonight. I've come here to find evidence of what Ark has alleged.

Not even a minute later my father is rushing down the stairs toward me.

Only a day ago I would have rejoiced at seeing my father. I may have felt overcome with emotion, grateful to have been freed from the rebels.

Now, I feel nothing but repulsion.

"Father," I say, trying to sound relieved, although it comes out rushed and a little rehearsed.

"Kiva...oh my baby, you're home." He ushers me into a hug, holding me close. I let him, fighting the urge to make up an excuse to pull away.

"I escaped," I tell him.

He looks over me, expecting injury, or maybe some evidence of being detained. Thankfully the rebels aren't barbaric, choosing to lock me in a room rather than tie me down with rope.

"From who? Where?"

"The rebellion," I say. I'm not sure how else to explain it without giving away key information that could lead him there. "Ark...did Caspian not tell you?"

"That fool ran off. He hasn't been heard from in days," he mutters, shaking his head.

"Oh." I rub the back of my neck. It seems like he took Ark's advice.

Father rubs a hand down my arm, giving me a sad look. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but he has asked for an annulment of your marriage."

I raise my brows. Caspian folded to Ark's influence immediately, which isn't a surprise. I don't think he ever actually wanted to be married to me, he just suffered from the same obligations I did.

Not anymore though. That's not going to be my life.

"I can't control his actions, I suppose," I simply muse, quietly concealing my relief at not being connected to that man any longer.

"He took all the money I gave him for marrying you too. Coward," father mutters, shaking his head.

I nearly laugh. He claimed under Ark's intimidation that he had nothing to do with my father's business, but him taking the money with him shows how little he cares about the victims.

"Of course he did."

"But you, are you unharmed?" He looks genuinely relieved, which isn't a surprise.

I know my father loves me. I presume it's why he left me out of the business, because he knew I would turn against him.

"I'm fine. No one touched me," I assure him.

My mind unintentionally falls back to the night Ark and I spent together. I don't think it would help my story if anyone came to learn about that.

"And they let you go?" He frowns.

"No, I escaped," I say quickly.

Father looks at me for a moment, before he smiles. Maybe it's the training he ordered I partake in with Ark that convinced him. Previously he would never believe I had what it takes to escape from captivity.

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