24 | The Addiction Starts

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It was about a twenty minute walk to my house from Everett's. A cold wind tousled my shaggy, brown hair and nipped at my ears. It was well into Autumn and a few trees were already bare.

I checked the mailbox soon as I got home, scanning through the pile of envelopes as I unlocked the front door. The letter I was expecting still hadn't arrived.

Jamie was sitting at the kitchen table when I strolled in, looking like she was eagerly awaiting the chance to irritate. "Walk of shame?" she immediately questioned.

"What? No!" I dropped the letters on the table, glaring at her.

She raised her eyebrows at my flushed face, turning it even redder. "Those aren't your clothes," she pointed out.

"I borrowed a T-shirt...I just fell asleep there," I protested.

"Uhuh, yeah sure." She smugly took a bite of her pasta.

More heat creeped into my cheeks at what she was insinuating—but it was true. We had just fallen asleep while listening to his playlist...and apparently Everett was a cuddler. It was nice.

I shook the thoughts from my head before Jamie could ask what I was blushing about. "We've only been dating for a short while," I told her.

She paused with the fork halfway to her mouth, spaghetti sauce dripping down her chin. "Wait I was just messing with you, I didn't think you were actually- you're dating now?"

I couldn't keep the goofy smile off my face as I sat down opposite her. "Yeah."

"Clementine!" she squealed, leaning over the table to give me a hug, "When were you going to tell me!"

"It hardly seems real," I admitted, biting the inside of my cheek. "I guess it's moving kind of fast."

"Please, it's been long enough." Jamie rolled her eyes, still smiling. "I thought you'd be waiting for all of eternity."

I recounted a few minor details for her as she prodded me for information, strategically leaving out anything that would get me teased too much.

"I didn't think you had it in you," she finally stated. "You actually asked him to be your boyfriend?"

"Yeaa—" I paused, thinking back. "I think- I mean I'm pretty sure I did."

Jamie stared at me in disappointment. "Oh, Clementine."

"No we are," I assured her hurriedly, "We're definitely dating."

She didn't look convinced. I had, of course, left out the bit about confessing my love on a rooftop when telling her the story. For obvious reasons.

"But it's not official." She put down her fork.

"I think it was insinuated!" I argued, "I mean...he said I never asked him out, but—"

Jamie scoffed and got up from the table, popping her plate in the dishwasher.

"I'm pretty sure he was kidding!" I called after her as she left the room without a second glance.

I huffed as I grabbed some cornflakes from the fridge. I don't know how Jamie can eat pasta for breakfast. Pulling out my phone, I opened up Everett's chat.

How much trouble are you in right now?

Cleaning every inch of the cafe today #rip

Want me to come help?

The typing bubble appeared and disappeared a few times before the next text came through.

You know I so badly want to say yes, but it's probably not such a good idea 🤧
I'll see you tomorrow anyway.

We're boyfriends, right? I typed before quickly deleting it. That was stupid, we were...I'm pretty sure. Jamie didn't exactly know the whole story.

Yeah, your dad said there's a brownie order

Ugh he snitched to mom and she's keeping an eye on me today.
I would've ditched to hang out with you if it were just dad

She does seem a lot scarier haha

She even banned me from secretly reading Wattpad behind the counter

Maybe she just wants you to have better taste in books xD

That was uncalled for, Clementine.
Don't be a snob

I'm not!

I bet you only read the classics

Not really...
I don't read much of anything tbh

*gasp* okay hang on
I'm sending you a link

A link appeared a moment later, and my eyes widened at what seemed to be a historical fantasy with gay pirates. Oh, and one of them was secretly a vampire.

This looks horrible

Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it

I had to admit I was...intrigued. I downloaded the Orange Monstrosity and shamefully created an account. Going through the motions, I picked a bland username and selected a few genres. Finally, I took a deep breath and added 'Bite Me, Matey!' to my library.

Yes, that was the title, and yes, the cover art was of two shirtless men on a ship with glistening blood running down their rock hard abs. My gaze lingered for a moment on their scandalously tight leggings; they left very little to the imagination.

Anyway. This really said more about Everett than it did about me.

I spooned in another bite of cornflakes and started to read.

A/n: This chapter title looks so deep but it's just a wattpad addiction LOLThings are getting pretty meta xD

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A/n: This chapter title looks so deep but it's just a wattpad addiction LOL
Things are getting pretty meta xD

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