Why so Annoying, Anna Krause?

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"Why so Sexy, Miss Evans?" Alternate Universe This AU follows Anna and Daniella's journey in a reality where Daniella chooses to teach at a different school

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"Why so Sexy, Miss Evans?" Alternate Universe This AU follows Anna and Daniella's journey in a reality where Daniella chooses to teach at a different school.

What are the odds?

Chapter 1

I hate Mondays, and you know what I hate more than Mondays? The answer used to be school, now it's work.

Ever since I finished high school I've been working with Soph at her mom's Flower Shop, and we later opened our own with much hard work... we're still paying for it — it's not that bad, honestly. I could be working at McDonalds or something... I mean, it's free chicken nuggets but I digress.

I'm a business owner. How fancy is that?

So there I was, watering some flowers listening to Soph's rants, "So, I have this cousin who's gay. She's visiting tomorrow from New York and I thought you two could hit it off?"

I sigh, "Soph, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't need a girlfriend — much less one that lives in New York, for goodness sake."

"You're 23 years old, Anna. You're not getting any younger," she says as she fixes the ribbon on a bouquet of red roses, "Besides, you have no social life. It's just me, your dad, and that bitch Denise."

"I just don't feel like I can connect with anyone, you know?"

Soph nods, "Yeah, I know, you ditched Jenny... Jenny, Anna. You know how crazy that sounds?"

"Yeah, well I'm not the one with a crush on her, you are."

"I'm not," she says immediately, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

"You are," I roll my eyes. "She's coming back from University soon by the way."

Soph shakes her head, "Whatever, you're the one she likes. Maybe you should give her a chance."

"I wouldn't do that to you."

"Anna, don't stop yourself from pursuing your happiness just because of me," she says, not really looking at me. "I'm fine."

"The thing is that I'm not even into her," I say, "And it wouldn't be fair to her to lead her on when I don't feel the same. You should shoot your shot."

"I... don't know, it'll be awkward if she doesn't feel the same... which I know she doesn't."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do."

"I've never seen you this hung up over someone."

She opens her mouth to argue back but we're interrupted by the bell on the door.

I look over as a woman walks in, her long, dark hair down, and her grey eyes seem to pierce right through me. My heart skips a beat as she stops in front of me. Gorgeous, drop-dead gorgeous.

Why so Sexy, Miss Evans? (GirlxGirl) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now