chapter 46

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"Oh." That was the only response Elsa could give him.

She was still very much scared about everything that had happened. Learning that this man and her sister knew each other closely and he still shot at them, made Elsa wonder if the person who shot Gwen was a foe, or a friend.

"If I knew you were Elsa, I wouldn't have kidnapped you. My anger is not for you." He said softly still keeping a serious face.

Elsa decided to ask a question she has been wanting to ask everyone who has called her Gwen this month. "Why did you think I was Gwen? Don't you know where Gwen is?"

She couldn't bring herself to say, 'Don't you know gwen is dead?'

Dead is a word she hasn't come to accept yet. Maybe she still needs more time.

"I thought I did. I thought she was dead. Until, I saw on the internet they called you both Gwen and Elsa.

"I thought Gwen found a way to cheat death and then tried changed her name and go undercover. Only to do a very shitty job at it. (Chuckles.) What I didn't understand though, is why choose her twin sister's name?

"It was either she faked her death, or you were impersonating her. That was the best explanations I could think of."

Elsa decided to explain herself to him. "Gwen is really gone, Sir. She is really no longer here with us. I came to the city some weeks ago and for some reason everyone who meets me thinks I am Gwen who just changed her name."

That was something that bothered her. A lot. And it was even worse because none of the people who thought she was Gwen were nice to her.

Including this man right here.

"Really now?... No one knows you're her twin?... At all?"

"They don't believe I'm her twin!" Elsa said remembering Jeremy. She was forced into marriage that he had planned with Gwen.

And that man is no where near nice. He is all cold and bossy.

Elsa then thought of something, "If I may ask, Sir-"

"Lui." He interrupted Elsa.

"What?" She asked confused to what that meant.

"Call me Lui, Elsa."

Elsa smiled a little to that before starting her thoughts again. "Okay. If I may ask, Lui. Could you please describe my sister to me? What she looked like in your eyes. And who you saw her as?" She asked carefully.

She noticed Lui's eyes light up as he looked like his brain was taking him somewhere else. Somewhere he liked a lot.

"Mmmh! Where to begin..." He then stared into nothing in particularly, as he continued. "Gwen was everything. Everything angelic and everything sinful.

"Gwen was both fire and ice. She was so good, yet so bad. God! She was a little seductress. A living Delilah.

"How do you think she was able to take both the liver and the money from me successfully and even make it out of the building? She can just use only her words, and you will go blind to her schemes. She was sneaky, she was sly. She was devious. That girl was dangerous.

"Very dangerous in fact. But, the type of danger she was, was the type to make you want to be destroyed by her. Like a moth to a flame. You know it's bad for you but you cannot resist the desire.

"She just had her way, you know? A way to make you forgive all her sins while knowing very well she will sin against you again."

He then finished by saying, "She was worshipped here."

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