Chapter 22: Finding the Wolf

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The kids again set foot on Academy grounds early Sunday afternoon.

As everyone else was busy unloading all the things they had taken with to the forest, Alyhtia volunteered to head to the Headmaster's office and report the information they had acquired from the old lady in the woods.

Karlyle wanted to accompany her but Blake wouldn't stop whining about all the things he and Damien then had to carry without a third pair of arms to help them.

So reluctantly, with a quick kiss on her lips, Karlyle let her run off to the main building where Mr. Damiano's office was.

Alythia knocked on his door several times but there was no answer.

So she cautiously entered, closing the door behind her, but the Headmaster was not there.

She leisurely walked around the spacious room and thought to just wait for him to arrive but no sooner had she thought it than a red light appeared right before her eyes.

"Izana..." she whispered as she stared at the flickering light.

It darted about the room and landed on a peculiar looking book – neatly packed away on a bookshelf standing against the wall.

Alythia strolled towards the bookshelf and put her hand on the book.

She thought Izana might have wanted her to read it, yet she did not have the faintest idea why.

However, the moment she removed the book from its proper place the entire wall began to vibrate. Alythia's eyes grew wide as she saw the shelf slide to the right – revealing a hidden passage in the wall.

Now at this point most sensible people would run out the room and first acquire some back-up (perhaps something like a powerful Dragon boy or even a Water Serpent) but no not our little protagonist – she was as brave as she was foolish and thus did not even consider such a thing.

Furthermore, the moment the doorway opened, the red light flew inside and our pink-haired damsel rushed in after it without a second thought.

The stairs seemed to stretch on for miles but our girl eventually did reach the bottom.

It was quite dark as there were no lights inside the gigantic space she had just stepped into.

The red light, however, though bright enough to guide her step never did light up more than a few inches in front of her feet. She thus needed to stay very close to it if she wanted to see anything at all.

As they reached what seemed like the middle of the room the light swerved to the side and guided the girl to a wall. It then flew up and stopped midway – in between the floor and the ceiling.

The girl glanced up and saw an enormous painting of a lady hanging against the wall. There were also candles and flowers stacked on the floor all around it.

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