Chapter Twenty Six

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No bad words and comments are welcomed 🥴⚠️ Chapter isn't proof reader and is written just now, so do highlight grammatical and spell mistake so I can edit later..Thanks 🫂

Happy Reading Darlings ❤️

The moon lightened up the sky with it's moonlight, the nature felt as if it's duty to bring the two more close together, the cold breeze made Pranitha shiver forcing her to inch more close to the crying mess of man she has wrapped herself around, a while passed, none of them spoke, none of them moved, the tears Pranitha was shedding were full of relief and joy, seeing him alive and at front of her was something she has dreamt each night and now her dream came true in her arms crying for her.

"Arjun" She whispered his name like a chant, repeating it over in over in interval of ten seconds, It was because the only word her mind can form at the moment is his name and only his name, Arjun rubbed her back to soothe her, to calm her down before he picked her in such a way that her legs weren't on ground and she was still in the same position she was a minute prior, with her in his right hold he made his way to the chair placed on other end of garden not caring about who can see him anymore.

Arjun made her sit on the chair breaking their hug and got on his knees right at front of her, Pranitha looked down at him with her still tear filled eyes and a small painful smile on her lips, her hand automatically moved up to trace each line and edges of his beautiful face, her finger stopped on his nose and without any second thought she leaned down placing a small peck on his nose making him smile, her fingers moved again and this time stopped on his eyes and she once again leaned down to peck his now closed eyes.

"You feel so real Arjun" She whispered holding his face in both of her palms and breaking down into tears "It doesn't feel like a dream" she cried and speak simultaneously, the sentence came out gibberish but was understandable by Arjun who kept staring at her with a small smile.

"I am real Bunny" He said back in response, his voice a little above from whisper but still low enough to not even reach Aashi who was only standing twenty steps away them "I am here in my flesh all for you to dev...."his eyes moved on her beautiful face and paused on the vermilion adoring her hairline, he ate his words back and chuckled not exactly knowing how he should feel at the moment, a shiver of jealous and anger ran down his spine and he clench his fist to control both, not ready to let his anger and jealousy ruin his moment with his bunny, He held her palm and opened it as Aashi's revelation echoed in his head, his eyes moved from her palms to her hand and stopped right above on the vein of her wrist, the spot was missed by an inches, his eyes darkened in anger seeing the huge scar there and he didn't bother to hide it from her, when he looked up at her, her eyes bowed down in shame.

"What is this Pranitha?" There were only rare time when Arjun has taken her name instead of calling her his bunny, and now even in her drunk state Pranitha knew that he meant business and isn't happy about what he is seeing.

"It was too painful to live, I ... I ... no one was understanding me, you weren't there for me" her voice held so much pain in it, Arjun who wanted to scold her and tell her how immature and nonsense her act was bite his tongue in his mouth not really finding anything to say to her.

"But it's not right Bunny, Do you think I would ever be happy seeing you hurting yourself like this" He questioned softly and made her look into his eyes before he leaned down to place a kiss on the top of scar and held her both palm into his hand and bought it to his lip to place a kiss "Never ever do anything like this bunny never, I love you bunny" he once again placed a kiss on the scar before kissing her palm back and it kept going on untill Pranitha didn't pull her hand back and him on the vacant place beside her.

"I love you too, I love you so much, I love you moon back, I am sorry I didn't get to tell you how much I love you when you said it to me" Hearing him confessing his love to her bought her the memories of the horrific day she has lost him, she aggressively held his face in her palm, made him look into her eyes and yelled these words loud and clear for everyone to listen.

"And Agastya?" Arjun didn't mean to ask it, he wasn't going to bring Agastya today, he has decided to only talk about them but the question came out of his mouth before he could held it back and keep it to himself, Pranitha's face lost every expression, her mind wandered back to what has occurred back in the room and how he has profound his feeling keeping his heart bare at front of her and even if she wants she couldn't deny that whatever he has said didn't touch the cords of her heart, his words made the thick wall around her heart shook, she can never deny the truth that his loud speaking eyes which reflect his emotion, regret, pain and more specially his love for her doesn't affect her, it does, it touches her at places she doesn't want it to, she couldn't deny that she feels for him she has always did, there is something in him which pulls her like a moth to him, but their past is a barrier she can never walk past, Arjun's love is the wall she can never imagine to cross, the man beside her has given his each second of five year to make her the Pranitha she is now and no matter how much her heart pains seeing Agastya in pain she couldn't disrespect Arjun's effort and love on her.

"Agastya" His name left her mouth unknowingly and she sighed placing her head on his chest "It has always been same Arjun, He held me when I was lost and on verge of breaking, he stood like a wall in between me and death when I was so keen to come to you, I hated him for stopping me from coming to you, he held me when I cried for you, He stayed by my side when I broke down, he tried to cheer me up when I felt down, he tried to say no to this marriage just because he didn't want to force me into this like others but he was also forced, he didn't say a word when I broke down for you in the mandap, he stared our ring but never said a word about it, but the gap our past has placed, even all this wasn't able to fill it, I cannot not like him Arjun, I have always done will always do but I couldn't bring myself to love him anymore, I cannot disrespect you Arjun, You were there, You have always been there to hold me to love me to save me, Agastya will always be a part of me, a part I can never get over with" This is the best Pranitha could say, she couldn't lie to hee Arjun after all he has always been a friend to her before a boyfriend, a friend who heard her ,held her, kissed her, loved her and most important never judged her, a friend who knew how a part of her is tied to someone but still decided to step up and wrap her in warm cocoon of his love and owned all the remaining part of her, Pranitha wrapped her hand tightly around his midsection not wanting to lose him, she thrusted her face more into his chest and placed a kiss on top of his chest, her eyes dropped and she fell into slumber like this only.


It has been good forty minutes when Pranitha has Aashi has left together, Agastya was no fool to not know that something is up seeing how Karan is fidgeting with his fingers.

"I am going to washroom Karan" Agastya said gaining Karan's attention and got a nod in response, he made his way to the another corner of house but didn't go to washroom like he has said, he made his way to one of the guest room whose window was closest to the garden and what he saw out there made his eyes widened in shock, he couldn't believe the view at front of him and shook his head, closed and open his eyes multiple times but what he was seeing didn't change.

"And Agastya?" He heard Arjun asking to her and saw her going still in his arm and him looking at her with hope and pain shining bright in his eyes, he heard her response and tears welled up into his eyes, his heart clenched in pain and a sad chuckle left his mouth, he tried to control his sobs and tears of anger and sadness but failed miserably they streamed down from his eyes, the pain could be heard in his cries, he knew now he have nothing to hold on, now no matter how badly he tries he will be fighting a lost battle, the only question resolved in his head was how Arjun is alive? How he could be back? and to answer his question Karan who came looking for Agastya when Agastya didn't return was standing behind with tears in his eyes, He was confused just like everyone, didn't know for whom he should pray, for Agastya bhaiya or for his Arjun Bhaiya.


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