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Chapter 641— The Downfall of Liu Li Sect

In particular, the main peak of the cliff adjacent to the magical beast forest was severed by a sword. The shattered peak stood there, empty and mocking, as if taunting their incompetence.

Feng Tianba walked amidst the lifeless bodies, their dried blood reminding him of the carnage that had taken place. He felt a surge of blood rise in his chest, threatening to spill out. He almost vomited in disgust.

Liu Li Sect, one of the four major sects of the Miluo Continent, lay in ruins before him. The amount of effort put into building and expanding Liu Li Sect was immeasurable. Countless resources, both human and material, were invested in its growth. And let's not forget the creation of the cold eating pill, which turned Liu Li Sect's disciples into loyal death warriors serving only the Feng Family. The process of making the cold eating pill was far from easy.

But now, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of years of hard work and the ambitions of the Feng Family had been completely shattered. How could Feng Tianba ever accept this?

He took a deep breath, his teeth clenched tightly. "Who did this? Find them! We must find them!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with determination.

The elders and disciples behind Feng Tianba nodded in agreement, their faces filled with panic. However, they knew that finding the culprits behind this ruthless act would not be an easy task. The force that had destroyed Liu Li Sect was merciless and elusive.

Feng Tianba, consumed by anger, struck a tall ancient tree with his clenched fist. The tree, too big for a few people to encircle, fell to the ground with a painful groan.

Just as everyone was filled with anxiety, an old man with a white beard and hair, and a slender figure stepped forward. He furrowed his brow and spoke, "Tianba, do you think this matter is related to the Secret Territory of the Sealed Dragon Domain?"

Feng Tianba was taken aback, his thoughts interrupted. He immediately showed a respectful expression upon seeing the white-bearded old man. "Why do you say that, Great Elder?"

The old man stroked his long beard thoughtfully. "Tianba, haven't you noticed? Ever since the emergence of the Sealed Dragon Domain, our Feng Family has been met with misfortune."

"First, Lianying lost the inheritance of the Purple Golden Palace within the Sealed Dragon Domain, and then she faced humiliation upon her return. After that, Jiang Family's secret cultivation base of the dark spirit plant was destroyed, and Elder Jiang died under mysterious circumstances. Next, the Murong Family was wiped out, and the cold eating flower disappeared without a trace. And now, it's Liu Li Sect's turn to be eradicated."

"All of these events started after the appearance of the Secret Territory of the Sealed Dragon Domain. It seems that there is a force at work, constantly opposing our Feng Family, gradually weakening and encroaching upon our power."

Feng Tianba listened intently, his face showing a pensive expression. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that the Great Elder was onto something.

The disadvantageous situation facing the Feng Family had unfolded entirely after the opening of the Secret Territory of the Sealed Dragon Domain. It had been a gradual accumulation of setbacks leading up to the current dire circumstances. It would be too coincidental to dismiss the connection between these events and the Secret Territory.

After the white-bearded old man finished speaking, he inquired, "Regarding the new owner of the Secret Territory of the Sealed Dragon Domain, isn't Yunjing looking into it? Have there been any updates?"

Feng Tianba shook his head. "Not yet."

The white-bearded old man snorted in dissatisfaction, his eyes filled with disappointment. "What's going on with Yunjing lately? His efficiency has been declining. He can't even handle a small matter like the Shengde Hall, and their influence keeps growing."

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