Chapter 19

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I don't remember my car being this comfortable. Or this warm. Or this squishy.

Maybe I'm delirious, the throws of living on my own for this long finally shoving me under. I don't mind though, not one bit in fact. I don't want to get up. It feels like nothing I've ever experienced. Surrounded by the smell of warm mint tea in the morning paired with the gentle breeze from outside. I snuggle deeper into the-

That's not a seat cushion...

In fact, I'm pretty certain it's a chest...

A male chest, to be precise.

I am lying on a male's chest...

Everything comes back to me in a rush of information, and my eyes shoot open, horror seeping into every crevice of my bones as I realize my cheek is pressed against a human being right now.

I bolt upright, limbs flailing, feet tangling, arms grasping and everything almost falling off the bed before I finally get myself in a sitting position.

I don't know what I expected to see when I looked up, but it was definitely not Nixx casually lying there.

Smirking at me.

"Morning, gorgeous," he drawls, voice deep and rich and warm and soft and-

What is wrong with me right now?

I go to run a hand through my hair, expecting to see the white little wrapping on my sprained wrist, but not expecting to see tight knit cloth covering all my fingers. And upon further inspection, I see that my clothes are definitely not what I was wearing yesterday.

Did he...?


He wouldn't have... right?

I look to Nixx, intending to put on a stern face and have it out with him, but when I find his deep green eyes staring patiently at me, my anger melts off my skin like butter left in the microwave for too long.

His brown curls are all flopped to one side of his head in a disheveled look that I can't say looks bad, and the black tank top he's wearing shows off muscles that I'm sure every bodybuilder ever dreams of. He is, in simple words, insanely hot, and I think maybe I haven't taken enough time to notice that.

Did I actually just think that?

"Oh my goodness," I murmur, scrambling off the bed and going to stand somewhere far, far away from him.

This is not normal. There's attractive, and there's... well, that. It's unfair. My eyes and brain can't comprehend the man in front of me. His body is literally sculpted, fake, plastic. There's no way he's actually that hot.

I clear my throat, but it does nothing to calm the ovaries down there who are deciding to riot.

"I need you to explain," I gesture at the bed, my hands, my clothes, his body. Everything, as I say, "all of this."

He chuckles, and I swear the sound goes right down to my toes, heat curling in my stomach and staying there.

Oh boy.

"Well, last night we found you in the snow on the edge of the human border. Do you remember that?"

My brain throws bits and pieces at me, and I scramble to put them together as I say, "I remember falling in the snow, and I think... I think someone was calling my name? But everything after that is pretty hazy."

He nods, moving to sit on the edge of the bed with his elbows propped on his knees.

"We brought you back here after finding you. You had some mild frostbite on your fingers, hence the bandages, but other than that, you were ok. After getting bandaged and checked over by Arlo, I brought you up here and Cara changed your clothes and got you settled. And that leads to now."

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