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Ishika's Pov

I wish we were still in Fiji. I was like living in a dream there. Those were the days, I must say. But it's been a week since we got back and I am super bored.

Siddharth is very busy dealing with some emergencies in his company. In this whole week, we hardly saw each other. He went early without having breakfast and comes back past midnight.

He calls from the office but that just to check in. We don't exchange more than a couple of sentences.

I miss both of my families a lot. I talk with them daily but for the rest of the day, I have nothing else to do.

His house is very modern and stylish but it feels too big and empty as I am almost living alone here. In this unknown city, I feel lost. I can't even share my thoughts with Sidd as he already is too stressed, I don't want to be a burden and trouble him more.

Because that's how I have been whole my life. When my parents left, my burden fell on chacha- chachi then solely on my brother. Now it's all forced on Sidd's shoulder.

'No Ishika, don't think like this. Sidd loves you like how your brother loved you.' I scolded my brain to stop overthinking.

An empty mind is the devil's workshop, they say. I guess it's true. All sorts of negative and destructive thoughts are clouding my brain. I try to stop it but nothing seems to help. The silence of this big mansion is haunting me.

My thought chain was broken when the doorbell rang.
Two girls were standing there with a man who was holding four bags.

"Move aside, I don't like to wait." one of the girls said arrogantly and pushed me aside to get in.

"Who are you? How could you get in like this?" I asked them.

"This is my house, I can come here whenever I please. So you miss get back to work, bring us water and clean the guestrooms." she ordered. Who are these crazy girls?

Not knowing what to do, I called Siddharth. He might be busy but I can't wait till he comes back home.

The bell was ringing and Sidd haven't answered the call yet when I heard an irritating loud noise behind me.

"Where is the damn water I asked for?" enough is enough, I can't let them order me like this.

"Excuse me, whoever you are, you can't just barge in my house and order me around." I shouted back.

"This is Siddharth's house." the second girl said.

"And I am his wife, Mrs Ishika Sidarth Singh Rathore." I started loud and clear.

"What." the second girl asked before she fainted.

Wait what?

Omg she fainted and is lying on the ground. Her friend or whoever the first girl is, she shouted and ran towards her.

Ohh so that's her name. I was about to go towards her when I heard sounds from my phone. Oh so Sidd was on call.


Don't miss the updates on my Instagram. I posted there a glimpse of the coming twist.😉

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