⟣Chapter 53

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A few people got off the vehicle and saw poultry and livestock on two large trucks, their faces turning green.

“What the hell… Are you trying to take away all our mutated poultry and livestock?!” someone shouted incredulously.

Ningning and Tongtong opened their arms, blocking the people approaching the trucks. “These are our little animals.”

“Yours? All the mutated animals here are the property of our base! Where did your little ones come from?!” a man reached out to grab Tongtong. Tongtong remembered Wen Qingling’s instructions: no biting or scratching people, but bumping into them was allowed.

Tongtong took two steps back and rushed toward the man who was speaking.

The man exclaimed in pain and was pushed back several steps, holding his stomach and unable to get up. He couldn’t believe that a five or six-year-old girl had such strength.

Tongtong clenched her little fists and shouted, “These are the little animals we caught!”

Someone approached cursing, “Where the hell did these little monsters come from?!”

Tongtong angrily retorted, “You’re the monster!”

Ji Rong jumped off the truck and asked, “What’s going on? Bullying children?”

“As long as there’s an adult present, we won’t argue with the kids,” a man with a stubbly face approached. “You can’t take away these mutated poultry and livestock. They all belong to someone, and our base depends on them for survival.”

Ji Rong asked, “Which base are you from?”

The stubbly man had an unlit cigarette in his mouth. “This is the Nan Yan base.”

Ji Rong raised an eyebrow, “The one five kilometers away?”

The stubbly man nodded, “Yes, that’s the one. Have you been there?”

Ji Rong replied, “No, but I know about it.”

The stubbly man bit his cigarette, “Since you know, how dare you capture the livestock and poultry here so brazenly?”

Ji Rong glanced at the cages, “These are ownerless things. Why can’t we capture them?”

The stubbly man’s gaze turned fierce, “Let me say it again, these are owned things, all property of our base!”

Ji Rong sneered, “I’ll say it again too, unless you’re a livestock farm owner, these things are ownerless.”

The stubbly man grew angry, “Are you looking to die?!”

Just as he was about to reach for the big knife behind him, suddenly everything changed. He had already been taken down by Ji Rong, his arm twisted and pressed against his waist, unable to move.

Several vehicles raced over, and Mo Jing was the first to jump off. “Don’t do anything! We’re all on the same side!”

Ji Rong saw Feng Yi and Yang Mengyu also approach and guessed that this person must be Mo Jing, someone familiar to Wen Qingling.

Ji Rong stood up and let go of the stubbly man.

“What skill you have!” Mo Jing walked over and kicked the stubbly man. “Da Hai, weren’t you supposed to be gathering supplies in the small town? Why are you here?”

Da Hai moved his arm and grimaced, “Damn it, this guy’s a master. I didn’t even react before he took me down.”

Da Hai bent down and picked up the dropped cigarette from the ground, blew on it, and continued holding it in his mouth. “We saw someone driving away with a semi-trailer in the small town, so we followed to take a look and found them.”

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