Authors note

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Well I posted this author note to make some things clear. Firstly you all know that I had unpublished Dil e naadan. Well I'm quite determined to it now too. Not only because of the comments thing but also because recently I had posted a note regarding this issue of comments.

So some of you agreed while the others pointed out the mistakes of the writer saying that its our fault too for not updating regularly. Well let me get this straight and clear.

We write just not because we want to. We write because you all read. And we have to write taking time out of our schedule. And because you all support us we need to ensure that we write is readable and not just in a hurry with loads of grammatical errors.

Taking my case in consideration I write to lessen my depression. But some of the readers message me saying

"Update soon, I'm waiting, why aren't you updating, the latest update spoiled the whole book, why did you even begin writing when you can't"

Now does this encourage or add all the more to my depression. And when I decide to delete the story that time I receive comments and messages asking me not to.

I know I'm not that precise in writing but how do I know if I'm that good or on the average. Your comments let me know that. And by comments I mean the in moment reactions and not #Update soon plzz #Very nice chapter.

These don't give motivation! And I had deleted Dil e naadan for the above reason and to let you know the reaction and feedback I'm getting has made me make this decision that Dil e naadan will be a wrap now. The next update would possibly be last and then I delete this story.

Not that you all are dying to read my stories but all those who supported me till here thank you.


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