15: Guardian Angel

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Chapter 15: Guardian Angel

Casper's sister- I mean Max's sister looked gorgeous in her wedding dress. She was wearing a strapless white gown with sweetheart neckline. The dress was embellished in lace with the bottom part flowing in mermaid style. The wedding was beautiful. You could feel the love they felt for each other in the air. The chubby man who according to Max was his Uncle Sherman walked her to the aisle. The whole way the groom and bride were locked in a perpetual eye contact and grinning at each other. Rings were exchanged and finally the vows after that the groom swapped her in a kiss and people started cheering for them which I also gladly joined.

All through the ceremony Max had a wide smile plastered over his face. He was randomly filling me in about little things about his sister. I could guess they were pretty close from the way he had a sudden reminiscent glow to his demeanor.

"She is so clumsy, I am surprised she didn't trip walking down the aisle"

"White roses are her favorite"

"Mia can pick the hottest bridesmaids."

Of Course I had to roll my eyes on that.

After the wedding ceremony ended, people commenced to the buffet while some people were congratulating the married couple. Max looked towards me with his glassy green eyes and said, "You know what to do"

"Yeah" I nodded with a small reassuring smile.

I decided to approach her after the thong of crowd started to disperse to the buffet table. The groom whose name must be John was attending other guests so I had Mia alone.

"Uh- Hi. Congratulations"

"Thank you!" she replied warmly with a smile. Max's sister was beautiful and they were different looking seeing that she was adopted. Mia's Asian features were prominent in her heart-shaped face which framed her full lips and a tear drop eyes. Her jet black hair was in a bun and her dark brown eyes twinkled in the warm sunlight.

"Are you from John's side? We haven't met have we?" she asked letting out a small laugh. Without much ado, I gingerly took out the blue bundle from my clutch.

"I am here to give you this". With that I warily handed her the blue nylon bag.

She took it from me and opened it. The exposed necklace shined under the sun. She looked at in awe, widening her eyes.

"Where did you get this?"

"Uhh"-I looked at Max who was standing in front of us. He nodded in approval.-"I just moved to the apartment where you used to live in. I got it from there"

"Your brother gave it to me"

She looked up at me with a bewildered expression on her face, as if she couldn't believe what I had just said. "Are you- Are you a medium?"

"No my sister is and some of her powers were transferred to me. Till now your brother is the only ghost I can see ." I replied solemnly. It took her a minute to grasp the information.

"How is he? I tried to communicate to him- everyone through uncle Joe but I wasn't successful. I thought they are all gone- Leaving me alone in this world" . She was sobbing now tears were tricking down her cheeks. Her eyes reflected all the sadness she had caged up for years- the love for her family, the yearning and off course the loss she suffered.

I silently patted her hand while she wept. I was never good at consoling; so I stood there lamely while the bride wept but completely relating to her feeling of sorrow. I saw Max's eyes harden seeing Mia cry but there was little he cloud do. So us three stood and I understood their pain as I had lost both of my parents too.

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