Chapter Thirty Two

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Ok so above rather than putting my usual music video up my friend who is the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for made me a trailer for my book, we are still editing it so don't judge to harshly but if you don't mind taking a look and telling me what you think that'd be great thanks! Hope you enjoy!


I roll my eyes but quickly jump up and get to work on breaking the fight up, all the while ignoring the stabbing pain that radiates throughout my body.

"Ashton! Ashton stop!" I try desperately to pull him off the guard but he doesn't budge from his current position on top of the guard.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind if the guard is shown some manners but by the look on Ashton's face the guard is as good as dead right this moment.

"Ashton please calm down, you don't want to do this." I grab onto the back of his shirt and pull with all my might, I'm honestly surprised the shirt didn't tear under the force. I may not be the strongest wolf but come on! At least give me something...

When Ashton still doesn't look up at me, I grab onto his hand as he pulls it back once again to pummel it into the guard face. He looks back at me wth a murderous look, not even registering that its me. He only sees it as someone stopping him from doing what he wants.

He lets out a low warning growl but I ignore it, only focusing on calming him down. Now is not the time to be scared of him.

I wrap his one hand in both my mine, softly rubbing my thumb against it. My best bet right now is to use the bond to calm him down.

"Hey, I'm fine ok? I'm ok you don't have to kill him, I'm fine." I smile at hm reassuringly and let out a sigh of relief when I saw him look back down at the guard beneath him then back up at me. 

His eyes go from their pitch black color of his wolf to the bluish grey I've come to love. I smile bigger knowing that he has calmed down enough that he won't try to kill him the moment I release his hand.

I tug softly on it, telling him to get up without using my words. He complies with my request and stands up onto his feet. Almost immediately after he is stood up I launch myself into his arms. 

I wrap my arms around his neck tightly, standing on my tip toes so that I am balanced. I feel his arms circle around my waist tightly, pulling me impossibly closer to him. I smile and snuggle into him, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

We sit there for I don't even know how long, just enjoying each others presence after being away from each other for so long.

"I thought you were going to leave me.." His voice cracks on the last word making my heart squeeze painfully inside my chest at his pain.

"I would never leave you without a fight." I feel his body shake softly with a laugh, making me giggle in response.

I scream when he - without warning may I add - reaches down and picks me up so that my legs around wrapped around his waist while he starts carrying me back the way we came.

Only then does it register the real reason why I came down here in the first place.

"Wait! I have to see Anthony." He growls at his name but nevertheless sets me down so that I could go see him. 

I step over the guards unconscious body and turn the handle on the door. Locked.

I turn around to Ashton who looks at me expectantly. I huff and stomp over to the guards body and crouch down to start searching for the keys to the door. 

After effectively searching every spot except his front pockets I give up. Its obviously the only other place it could be...

I look up at Ashton who resorted to leaning against the wall while he watched me. He must notice the look on my face as something bad because he immediately goes on the defense.

Forgive Me (Rewriting)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora