You'll Always Be Mine - Chapter Three

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Chapter Three – Revelations

Summer’s POV

The rest of the drive home was in silence. Lewis’ body was stiff but at least he was smiling a little now. The thought of leaving him was awful; I had to be so careful. Tonight me and Becca needed a proper plan, and a plan B.

Lewis squeezed my hand, breaking me from my thoughts. “What you thinking, Sum?”

Different ways to lock Clover in the same cellar he kept me in for eight months. Of course, I couldn’t really tell him that. “Nothing really.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Angry. How can they not have caught him yet? He couldn’t be that far from the crash and they still haven’t found him. They’re all fucking useless,” I ranted. Lewis looked shocked as I swore. It didn’t happen often, only when I was really angry or upset.

He sighed, “I know, baby. I have no faith in them either. When you were…gone, I didn’t understand how they did things. They had all these pathetic laws that protected him. They’re shit, Sum but I won’t let anything happen to you.” I lost count with how many times he’s said that to me. “You know that if you change your mind we can go away somewhere, just us if you’d prefer.”

“I like the sound of the just us part but I’m not going anywhere.”  When was he going to accept that?

“Didn’t think so,” Lewis mumbled under his breath.

“Can we be normal for a while?”

He looked at me as if I’d lost my mind, “Be normal?”

“Yes, no clover, no police, no talk of running away. I just want to be us for a while.”

His eyes softened and he kissed the back of my hand, “That sounds good. What do you want to do?”

“Pizza and movies?”

Lewis scrunched his nose up in disgust, “You gonna have your usual crap on it?”

“Definitely, and I know you like it really.”

After calling ahead to order our pizzas, we stopped off and picked them up before heading back to mine. I managed to avoid all the questions from my family and pulled Lewis up to my room. I was really looking forward to just being Summer and Lewis for a few hours.

“Want some?” I asked teasingly, waving my pizza in his face. He pushed my hand away and kissed my cheek, chuckling. “What are we doing at the weekend?” His eyebrows shot up and he looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. “Normal tonight, remember.”

Understanding crossed his face and he smiled a little, “Bird watching?”

“Totally normal then,” I replied sarcastically.

“You’re right. I should have said getting so pissed that you puke on my shoes and I have to carry you home.”

“One time, Lewis, one time!” I had never really been drunk before and well I will never be that drunk again.

When the movie was over I swung my leg over and sat on his lap, taking him by surprise a little. He quickly recovered, wrapping his arms around my back and pulling me closer. When we were alone it was so easy to forget everything that happened.

I pressed my lips to his, getting lost in the kiss. The deep moan coming from the back of his throat told me that he liked it as much as I did. He picked me up slightly and laid me on the bed, pressing his body against mine as his tongue slipped in my mouth.

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