Chapter 9: The Proposal

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The next morning, my mom decided that it was time for us to go for a walk. The car we used to move was never ours; it belonged to my dad. He took that back the same day we left. 

"Oh my goodness!" my mother yelled as she carried me outside of the house. Parked on the side of the street was a brand new car with a purple ribbon attached to the top. Hung on the car door was a large poster that read, "Will you marry me, Veronica Sheats?" 

A man exited the car, holding a vase full of roses in one hand and a beautiful cake in the other hand. He ran toward us but almost dropped the cake. He set the things on the ground beside the house then grabbed my mother's hand, quickly grabbing my hand, too.

"I have been the worst father, the worst husband, and the worst friend these last few years," he started. "I've lost sight of what truly matters. You two. So Veronica, Violet, I have an important question for you two." He let go of our hands and pulled out a ring from his back pocket. "Would you two like to become a Harmon?" Tears swelled up in my mother's eyes. I reached for the ring just because I wanted to play with it. "I promise I will change, Veronica. I just want my family back."

My mother smiled at him and put me down. She hugged my father. "I missed you so much," she said. "Yes. Yes, I would love to become Mrs. Harmon."


The wedding was prepared the same day at St. Martin's Church around 6 PM. Only a small number of people came and it was brief.  Why so fast? It didn't occur to me at the time. My parents left me with a babysitter so they could spend two nights out of town. I never saw him with the book since he proposed. Both my parents were back together, and that was enough to make me a happy baby again.

The happiness would soon be broken, though. 


After about nine months, my mother started attending college again. She had to go on a college trip in Spain where she would stay three months. That meant she would miss my third birthday. In the meantime, I would be staying with Daddy and his parents.

While I was with my dad, he would act differently around me versus around my mother. He did... strange things to me. When no one was around, he would cut strands of my hair and cut my toenails, then store them in an empty jar that he'd place in his art room. He often examined my hands, feet, and face for more than ten minutes. I never knew why.

His parents loved me but I could tell my father didn't like them. He'd stare at them in an impolite way. Almost like he wanted them gone. He never really ate dinner, either. He was either in his art room, staring at me or his parents, or outside in a deep thought.

One night, he bought a shovel and he'd often go outside with it. Why? I wouldn't find out until the months that followed.

*Hope you guys are enjoying this. I'm currently writing more so the book may be finished by late tonight or tomorrow. Don't despair just yet! There's way more to come. Make sure you point out my mistakes. I need grammar Nazis!*

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