Chapter Seventeen

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"I love you Timothy," she said, and my heart filled with joy; She loved me, not the man I was pretending to be, not my stupid brother. "I want to stay with you, spend the rest of my life with you."

I dropped the knife down to my side, there was no need for it anymore. She wanted to come with me. She loved me!

"We can leave together," she continued, her voice low, and I knew that it was because she only wanted me to hear her words, didn't want anyone else to know our plans so we could escape, "we'll leave your daddy behind, and all these officers, so it's just you and me, no one else would be there to bother us. Doesn't that sound nice?"

I closed my eyes when daddy started laughing from where he was standing beside me. "She's lying to you, you stupid fucking moron. She just wants to escape, she doesn't give a rat's ass about you, or anything you have to offer."

I tensed, shaking my head. He was lying!

"Why would I lie to you, son? Haven't I continuously proven that I only want what's best for you! And she's not it! Kill her! Kill her! Slit her throat just like you did to the other ones!"

I paused, ignoring my father's wishes. No, I wouldn't kill her. I loved her.

Daddy took a threatening step towards me, "Kill her, or I'll kill you, you bastard."

I knew what I had to do to protect her, to protect my Layna. I had to trick daddy, and go against what he wanted. But she would wait for me, I knew she would.

"You're lying," I whispered to her, my eyes filled with tears, and in one quick motion, I had the blade of the knife against her throat and I was slashing across the soft skin.

"I never wanted to hurt you," I whispered into her ear, as she choked on blood, "but daddy said I had to. Don't worry; you won't die. Daddy just needs to think you did. But you and I will be together soon. You're mine, Layna."

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