Chapter Five

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I had been sitting on the couch at the clubhouse for thirty minutes waiting for Hacker to come back. I glared at the white cast that was covering my foot.

"Hi Teddy," I looked up when I heard Lily. "How are you doing?"

"My foot itches," I sighed. "And it ugly. What are you doing here?"

"Angelica called me," she shrugged. "I can help make it look somewhat better if you want."

"Really?" I asked staring at her.

"Yeah," she smiled. "Just let me grab my art stuff from my car, just figure out how you want it decorated."

"What are you girls doing?"

"Hey," Lily smiled up at her boyfriend. "Just trying to make Teddy feel better about wearing a cast."

"That actually looks pretty cool," Cowboy said sitting down beside Lily. "When you finish we'll go get some lunch."

"I'm almost done," Lily smiled as she went back to painting my cast. "There, not too bad if I do say so myself."

"Thanks Lily," I smiled looking at the now decorated cast. "I like it."

"Your welcome," she smiled hanging the paintbrush and sponge to Cowboy who walked off with them

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"Your welcome," she smiled hanging the paintbrush and sponge to Cowboy who walked off with them. "If you need anything I don't mind going and getting it for you."

"Thanks for the offer," I smiled. "I think I'm just going to get Hacker to take me home."

"He's in his lair," Cowboy said handing the brushes back to Lily. "You want me to get him for you?"

"No," I mumbled grabbing my crutches and standing up. "I can do it. Bye."

"Bye," Lily said hugging me before grabbing her things and walking out infront of Cowboy.

Laughing I slowly made my way to the big room Hacker basically lives in from what Angelica has told me.

"Hacker," I said standing in the doorway.

"Yeah," he said looking up. "What do you need?"

"I want to go home," I mumbled looking at all the screens.

"Teddy," Hacker said pulling my attention to him. "Since Blood attacked you a bunch of us decided that you shouldn't be alone."

"I can't stay here," I said interrupting him. "Please don't make me stay here."

"Okay," he said. "How would you feel if I stayed with you at your house?"

"Anything but here," I begged.

"Alright," he said pulling me into a hug. "We'll stay at your house. Just let me get somethings and them we'll leave."

"Okay," I mumbled into his chest before moving back. "Can I sit in here while you get your stuff?"

"Yeah," Hacker smiled moving so I could sit down in his chair. "I've got to let Bullet know that we're leaving, so I'll be right back."

Nodding I looked around the room after he left, noticing something on one of the screens I moved closer to the mouse and keyboard inhancing the image until I could get a clear look at the background.

"What are you doing?" Someone barked from behind me.

Screaming I jumped and landed on my butt since the chair moved back, looking up through my bangs I saw one of the older members glaring down at me.

"Uh," I started before three more bikers ran in.

"What's going on here?" Bullet asked looking between me and and the man glaring at me. "Brooks answer me."

"I was looking for Hacker when I found her clicking on away on the computer," Brooks said and everyone looked at me.

"I wasn't snooping," I grumbled pulling myself back up into the chair. "I noticed something in the background of this image so I was just inhancing it to get a better look."

"Let me see," Hacker said coming up behind me as I finished bringing what caught my eye up. "Holy sh*t, how did I not see that."

"See what?" Bullet asked coming up beside us.

"We have a spy," Hacker said pointing at the image. "This is an image from a couple days ago, someone has been taking pictures of the compound from the outside."

"Biker," Bullet said staring at the screen. "That's a twenty-sixteen Yamaha bike. Find out who this person is and why they're spying on us. Oh and good eye Teddy."

"Thank," I said clicking on a few more keys so I could print the image. Spinning in the chair I stopped when I noticed everyone looking at me, "What?"

"How did you know to inhance the image?" Hacker asked.

"My dad was good with computers," I said looking down. "He used to take me to work when he worked in the office on weekends."

"Everyone get back to what you were doing," Bullet said. "Hacker I need to finish talking to you."

I looked up when I thought everyone had left only to see the man that scared me still standing there looking at me with a thoughtful expression.


"Nothing," he said. "Sorry for accusing of snooping."

"It's okay," I mumbled giving him a small smile. "Anyone would have done the same thing."

"Probably," he chuckled. "Name's Brick."

"Biker name," I said smiling holding a hand out. "Teddy."

"It's nice to meet you Teddy," he smiled shaking my hand. "Now if you'll excuse me I have somethings I need to do."

"Bye," I smiled watching him walk off. Shaking my head I looked down at the image trying to see if I could find any revealing marks about the person.

"Do you need some help?" Hacker asked when he noticed I was heading for the stairs.

"No," I sighed. "I got it, I'll be back down in a minute."

Biker's Teddy (Wolves MC 3)Where stories live. Discover now