Chapter Three Haleigh: Mission 1

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The fight from LA to St. Louis was horrible I almost choked the person in front of me. When it was finally over we met up with AG's contact Caleb where gave us all our gear and gave us all the information he had. Our first few days there we studied them finding out who was in charge, where they kidnapped these women, where their bodies were found, and how old they were. Then we started focusing on finding a way in the organization Justin proposed the idea of Emily and I getting kidnapped. While Hunter went, and did his own thing Emily and I posed as interns since most of the women found were between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five. A month later we got an apartment down town about two blocks away from our job and continued like normal people. Quick flings, friends, and people we didn't like. After a month with no dice I joined a gym after a week I was kidnapped.

I was walking out of the gym when a green van pulled up and someone pushed me inside. I punched kicked and jerked like I was trying to get away then they put a chloroform soaked cloth on my face and I acted like I passed out. They got on the interstate for about 729 seconds then they turned off, and took two rights and a left. They dragged me out of the van into a long hallway that felt like it was going on forever we took a left then a right then dropped me in a cage. I laid there for an hour or two then I sat up horrified at the fact that I wasn't alone. I jumped up and ran to the door of the cage screaming for help, for anyone, and I wished this wasn't real fear. The room was dark the floor was cold and I had no way to get any help they know where I am at least, I thought to myself. Trying to look at my very few positives I started to shake the door to the cage when a whisper told me to shut up. I asked the girl next to me where we were her answer was "HELL" she was terrified, yet when I asked her name she wouldn't stop. Her name was Lana she was from St. Louis like me she had blonde hair and blue eyes and had no clue where she was or how long she had been there.

An hour later three men came in and unlocked the door to her cage, and she rammed him with it, then she sprinted for the door. When he got up he shoot her in the back then kicked her dead body. The guy with the tablet, who seemed to be in charge, yelled a few cuss words then pointed at me. I pushed myself into the corner and hugged my knees as hard as I could. He opened the door and grabbed me by my hair then dragged me out. He threw me to the ground and kick me in the stomach a few times then rolled me onto my chest and zip-tied my hands. He put a black sac over my head and dragged me out of the room took two lefts and a right then sat me in a chair. I felt them pull off me jeans and shirt and then a spray of water, so after they finally took the bag off my head and made me put on a black tee-shirt and cut-off shorts. They tied my hair in pony tail then rebound my hands then dragged me into another room when in front of a camera I stood there for five minutes a gun trained at my head. When the guy sitting behind a computer gave a thumbs up and another sack was put over my head then I was dragged away. Then the guy dragging me put something in my pocket and traced the letters HC with his fingernail of course it was Hunter, but I have no clue how he got here. He put me in a car and shut the door.

They drove off and I just sat there with no handles on the inside of the doors. It hurt me that I couldn't do anything to get out of this stupid car, and I hated to have to wait to even see what Hunter gave me. When we finally arrived, the driver pulled me out of the car and into another room then threw me to the ground. When someone finally took the bag off my head and cut off the restraints I slowly got up. To see a grey-haired man who looked old enough to be my grandfather with a creepy smile on his face. "What's your name my dear," he asked reaching for my arm. I answered him slowly stepping backwards coming closer to the door. "And yours," I asked almost at the door "Edward but you can call me Ed or Eddy," he answered I had finally got my hand on the doorknob, but when I tried to turn it was locked. He then grabbed me by my arm and asked where I was trying to go I answered that I needed to use the restroom. He asked why was I' going to the garage for that I tried to give a little laugh.

He pulled my hand in the bend of his arm, and walked me down a hallway to a grey and white restroom. He told me that I could take a shower if I wanted then shut and locked the door from the outside. I used the toilet and I was washing my hands when I saw the camera I then stepped in the shower, closed the curtain then undressed when I took off the shorts I took the small plastic bag out of the back pocket where I found a receipt for Ed's purchase, a contact lens, and a small earpiece. I folded the clothes and placed them on the floor then I turned on the shower and looked like I was washing my hair. The second I put in the ear piece Tori, Justin, and everyone else couldn't stop talking. When everyone finally calmed down they basically told me that they were about to blow up the building and bust me out. That moment Ed opened the door and I pretended to be washing my hair he took my clothes and placed a silk nightgown on the counter beside the sink. He called my name and I peeked behind the shower curtain to see something so horrific I was about to puke this eighty something year old man was standing there completely naked.

Tori>> oh god look away, look away, look anywhere else PLEASE

"Do you mind if I join you," he asked

Justin >> YES, YES YOU FUCKIN MIND, oh my god I'm turning this off, their eta is like five minutes, beep.

I told him that I would be out in a second grabbing a towel he then put his robe back on and left the room. I dried my hair, put on the nightgown and the thong he also brought me, and knocked on the door to leave. Ed thankfully clothed this time walked down the hall to a candle lit bedroom with a king-sized bed in the center of the room. He handed me a glass of wine then sat on the bed and I sat across from him taking a few sips of my wine as he talked about how stressful obtaining me was. Tori came back on when he leaned in to kiss me she told me to duck, so I gently laid down on my side right before the glass broke and a bullet drove threw his head.

Tori >> thank you Haleigh for mentally scaring me for the rest of my life

"Well I am sharing the suffering and nightmares with you," I said they told me to shut the hell up. Nick decided that it would be a great idea to crash through a window and Brey being the smarter of the two came through the door with Danny. Who started placing bombs while Nick and Brey started searching the place shooting everyone they found all of them other dirty old men or guards. After they killed everyone we got in the car then started to drive away and Danny blew the charges looking in awe at the ball of fire as we drove away. I felt sorry for all the other girls who had probably been there, all their families, and how great it will feel taking all these assholes down.   

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