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Callie's POV

A million thoughts raced through my head, and full on attacking Harry was not in the top 10.

I wanted to rip off his disgusting face stuck in a permanent smile. I wanted to kill him for everyone that died under the hands of this cruel man.

I lunged at him with an inhuman snarl. I blindly stabbed the shard at whatever could do damage, finally making contact with his right eye.

I stabbed the shard as far as it could go before hoisting it up again and stabbing him.

Harry let out a scream and tried to rip the shard out of my bloody hands, but there was no stopping an insane animal in a enclosed cage.

Blood continued to spurt out of his right eye like a broken faucet. The shard was becoming lost in the puddles of blood that surrounded Harry's thrashing body.

With one last scream I lifted the shard, and plunged it into Harry's head. Blood flew up at my face as soon as the shard made contact.

With a final breath Harry fell silent.

I ripped out the shard from what was left of Harry's head, making a horrid sucking noise as it broke free.

I glanced down at my hands which were covered in blood, and some pink flesh looking stuff.

The shock didn't hit me until I looked at Harry's destroyed face.

I just killed a man.

The man who terrorized me, and other girls was dead.

The man who looks so innocent and fatherly, but can kill someone with his bare hands.

I stood up slowly, looking at the damage I have done.

The floor was dyed a permanent dark red, and the walls were spattered with blood. The once pretty  looking room now looked like a slaughter house.

I staggered to the bathroom in Melanie's room staining the carpet even more with drops of Harry's blood.

I stripped off the once spotless looking clothes, and clambered into the shower.

The water immediately turned into a light shade of pink as soon as it hit my body.

Washing away all of the pain that came in this house.


I stepped over Harry's body with the bag in my hand.

After the long shower I scavenged the house for food,water, and other necessities.

I did manage to stumble across a empty black bag eventually.

If I was going to search for help in a unknown location I might as well pack everything needed for a camping trip.

I ran down the stairs refusing to look back at the carnage in Melanie's room.

The rest of the house was surprisingly huge, but I didn't bother to look at anything else it was time to leave this nightmare.

While scavenging the house I found a set of keys, which hopefully work for the front door. I didn't find a phone or any electronic of any kind, but the keys was definitely a start.

I walked to the door that began this nightmare.

I shoved the keys into the keyhole and twisted it slowly.

With a click the door unlocked and swung open.

I paused and surveyed the surrounding woods.

One more step and I was free.

Wowza that was hard to write

Okay so you guys are probably all wondering,


Good question.

1) I thought my writing was extremely bad, and I was just doing this to be a pain lol
3) a lot of other family  reasons I really don't want to get into...

But thanks for sticking with me and my craziness :)


OR IS IT? >:)

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment!


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