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I was lost yet again in those mysterious green orbs, staring at me with something undecipherable. Those eyes could look right through me, at my soul and I won't even protest. How could green be so mesmerizing?

I never understood how people said that you could read anyone by looking them in the eye. Maybe you can feel it? Just like I could feel his gaze on me.

Those hypnotic eyes narrowed a bit, annoyed maybe? Scrutinizing me, trying to read me, expecting me to look away, but I was trapped in those green meshes.

Numerous thoughts crossed my mind, numerous questions whirled around in my head, but that would mean that I will have to confront him. I was still confused by his actions and I really wanted to solve the mystery named Dimitri Nevada.

Maybe it was good luck, or maybe it was just a coincidence when I felt the chair in the next row, just beside me screech, diverting my attention to the famous jock Abel. I can't deny that I was thankful for the distraction.

"Ladies how are you doing? Missed me?" He smirked and flipped his hair back like those typical Casanova and trained his eyes on Rachel sitting on the other side of me.

"For God's sake, Abel, can't you let me have some much-needed peace? As it is, I have to tolerate you during those training sessions." She huffed and straightened the glasses on her nose.

"Awww! Look who's salty! I know  you can't fight the temptation of these lips." Abel made a kissing face and leaned towards her, but I think he forgot that there is a 5'4'' girl sitting in between his prey.

I smashed my palm on his lips and moved him away while trying to ask Rachel.

"Hey, I thought Mr. Dimitri said he will train each and every student individually!" Maybe my voice was too loud, or maybe he was already angry at me but whatever the case was, I earned myself detention after school.

"Miss Dawson. Detention after school." He spoke up in a calm voice without giving away any hints, but I heard a thousand different shades of meanings in it.

I wanted to escape. I wanted to go home as soon as possible and cover myself in the soft fluffy covers in my room and forget all that happened a few minutes ago. Somehow I reached Liza and pulled her towards our car to drive back home as soon as possible.

She gave me a questioning look but didn't ask me anything. I bowed my head down, defeated, and got in the car.

No, not now, please try to hold back the tears, please, I can't break down now.

I keep on ranting this mantra in my mind, trying to keep those betraying tears at bay.

The soft pitter-patter on the glass window beside me, in the car, helped me calm down a notch.
Leaning back in the seat seemed like the best option as I slowly closed my eyes. The memories of my detention came back to me, running a chill down my spine.


"Rose, your detention starts after fifteen minutes." Mr. Dimitri spoke up when the final bell rang and everyone was pilling out of the classroom. He had his eyes on his laptop, staring at something with great concentration.

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