Ice Kissed

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Hello all, 

A few years ago, I did a spin off Winter themed story for a Wattpad anthology. That has since been taken down but I still get messages about the short story I wrote on Wattpad featuring Xavier and Monica. 

I know, I know, he's Madeline's guy, but I'm a good friend and DistantDreamer and FallonDeMornay are both team X... so I made them a story. The anthology was taken down, but for those that still want to read ice kissed, here you go! 

I lean against the glass while Lola looks at me with those pleading eyes of hers. A year ago, they would have unravelled me.

"Please, X. Stay here for Christmas."

Right. And be a third wheel? I think not. I've done that song and dance before and if I'm being honest, which, I am—I'd rather watch a seven hour performance of the Nutcracker—sans intermission than stay here.

I know, a little harsh right? Lola is my best friend. But not so long ago, I was madly in love with the girl, and even though I had a role in her and Jax reuniting, it's still a hard pill to swallow. She's happier than I've ever seen her with Jackson, but sometimes I want to kick my own ass for wishing he'd come back for her.

So here I am, shoving duffel bags and poorly wrapped gifts into the trunk of the cab while Lola looks at me like I'm leaving her for good instead of just a couple of lousy weeks.

"Please, X. We've never been apart for Christmas."

I shut the hatch and turn to her. Probably a little harder than necessary to ensure the trunk stays closed. In my defense, the thing is held together with duct tape and a prayer so it's in my best interest. "Mouse, it's only two weeks. I'll be back in fourteen days. Not a minute longer."

Her eyes go wide and she pouts. "You're going to Canada! Can-a-da. That's sooo far!"

I can't help but smile at her. "It's not that far, Mouse."

"Did you know that the state of California has more people in it than the entire country of Canada?" she asks. "What if you get lost in the wilderness and fall prey to a mountain lion or a grizzly bear?"

"Then I'll kiss my ass goodbye," I say.

She doesn't like my response. "Xavier Morgan! Stop that."

I wrap my arms around her and pull her in for a hug, planting a kiss on top of her head. "I'll be fine, Lola, I promise. Enjoy your first Christmas with Jackson." I say the words and I try to mean them. I really do.

Her arms constrict around my waist. "It won't be the same without you."

"We'll do New Years up like good old college assholes." I pull away because if I know Lola—and I do—she'll just hang on forever. And me, well, I'd probably let her. So, gotta cut that cord while I still have my balls intact or risk losing my man card for good this time.

She sighs, slumping her shoulders like she used to do when we were kids and she heard her most hated word—no. "Fine," she says. "Love you."

The words jab me straight where I'm already pretty bruised and tender. But I don't let her see it. At least, I hope I don't. "Love you too."

She waits.

"To the moon and back."

"Better." She crosses her arms over her chest and waits for me to get in the vehicle. It's as if she doesn't believe I'm actually going to leave. But I am. I have to. Another day with the lovebirds and I'm liable to scream. I almost pushed her away once over this shit. I can't do it again. I need this breather, this break, so I can get a grip and get myself together.

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