Chapter 14 - Edited Once

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(Edited Once)

The pizza arrived after about fifteen minutes of starting the movie. I did not mind watching this movie because I actually did not know the plot. I have not watched movies ever since the abuse started. I was not allowed to, seeing as it might make me smile, and smiling was not allowed in the house, based on Raymond. He was so messed up in the head beyond repair.

I used to see and hear a lot of my classmates talking about famous movies, actors actresses, and when they ask me if I had watched any of them, I would always lie saying, 'I'm not a fan.' So I found my escape through books, old ones that my parents used to own. I was not allowed to buy new books either. I learned to love and cherish them, mainly because they belonged to my parents. I learned to find my peace while drowning in the world of fantasy and love. I do not think I'll ever get the chance to experience true love.

I'm dying alone, isn't that right?  Mom?  Dad? 

"How do you like the movie so far Stella?" Julian asked, bringing me back to reality.

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion because I did not hear him. I was not paying any attention. Typical of me.

"I said, how do you like the movie so far?" he asked again with a smile.

"Oh, it's cool," I replied, not knowing what to say next. He stared at the tv with a slice of pizza in his hand. I wanted to ask why his eye color changed when he hugged me a while back. "Um... Julian," I trailed off, grabbing back his attention.

"Yes?" he said, waiting for me to speak.

"Why did your eye color change?" I asked.

"What do you mean? " He asked, acting clueless.

I'm not buying that.

"Your eye color, they changed from honey to dark brown and almost black, I know you know." I crossed my arms.

I want to know something about him, last time I checked...He knows a lot about me.

"Oh, that... Ha," he rubbed the nape of his neck, averting eye contact. He would not go off easily. It was only fair I know something about him.


" Well, it's complicated. I think it's not the best time to tell you," he reasoned, and I nodded, not buying his bullshit.

Okay, that got me more curious now.

"Okay, what about your growling? Why do you always growl when you're angry?" I crossed my legs, making myself look more intimidating.

He sat the same way, facing me. "And that I can't tell you right now, but I promise that I'll tell you when the time is right because I don't want you to freak out," he explained, and I arched my eyebrows.

" Why would I freak out?  Wait.... You are not a vampire, are you? " I asked being dead serious.

I read a lot of vampire books in the public library to the point of me believing they exist. No one could judge me because if anyone were in my shoes, they would want to believe in something other than the abuse.

Julian looked at me like I grew two heads, but he actually looked offended. "No, I'm not a vampire," he replied as he rolled his eyes. This was the first time I see him this comfortable acting goofy around me. "Anyway, let's continue the movie," he added while handing me a slice of pizza.


After we finished two movies, he insisted that we should watch The Last Song, saying that I would love it, and I did. It was safe to say that my favorite genre was romance. 

I felt really tired and wanted to sleep. "Julian, I think I'll go and sleep," I announced as I stood up really fast, which was a bad idea because I felt so dizzy, making me lose my balance. I waited for my head to slam into the floor, but I did not fall. Julian had his muscular arms around me in an instant, supporting me with my wobbly legs.

"Are you okay?" he asked, the worry reflecting all over his handsome face. He looked like a painting out of a museum. So perfect in his imperfections. I noticed that his nose was slightly crooked, probably from a fight, and he had a small scar on his jaw. He was captivating.

I stood up with much more balance. "Yes, I just felt a little dizzy. Don't worry," I reassured him with a smile.

As I wanted to walk away, he scooped me in his arms and carried me bridal style to the room that he said I could sleep in.

"W-what are you doing? P-put me down," I stuttered, feeling my cheeks get warm by the second. I did not hate that he was able to swoop me so easily, but it had only been two days since I met him, and he was acting like we have been living together for years.

Curse this mysterious pull.

"Nope, I'll take you there myself. Who knows, you might fall on your way up the stairs," he cleared firmly, and I felt defeated.

Or I wanted to feel defeated? To carry me?

I sighed, resting my arms on his chest. I looked up at his face, and he was so focused on the way ahead. "What?" he suddenly asked, looking at me confused.

"What what?" I returned the question.

"Why are you staring? I can feel your gaze on me," he pointed out and I felt my cheeks warm up.

Oh God, this is so embarrassing.

"I wasn't staring." 

"Mmm," he muttered, not believing me. I would not believe me either. I was totally staring at him.

"Anyway, put me down. I can walk." I changed the subject.

He looked at me with his beautiful clear honey eyes. "Nope." As we entered the room, he put me on the bed and made his way out of the big room.

I don't deserve all this. It's too good, Julian is too nice... Or is that just a mask?


It was three days later when I sniffed the air in my sleep and smelled smoke. I rose from the bed and looked around me to see nothing, no fire, no smoke, but I saw a red light reflecting through the window on the bedroom wall. I got closer to the window and saw the garden on fire. The fire was already eating up everything there, and it was making its way to the house.

I ran outside of the room and started yelling, "Fire!" But not just me, Julian was yelling at the top of his lungs, and sometimes his eyes would get foggy. It was not the time to question it. Everyone who was in their rooms got out with panicked expressions. I saw Julian running toward the back door, where the fire was.

Julian held the fire extinguisher and handed another two to his men. "Come on. The fire is getting closer to the house. Someone call the fire department!" Julian ordered firmly.

I ran behind him, wanting to help. "Julian, what should I do?"

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. "Nothing, you stay at the front door until the firefighters get here. Outside, please, where there is no fire. Don't say no, and go. I beg you," he replied, almost yelling because of the noise, and I nodded. No point in arguing.

But I wanted to help.

I ran in the opposite direction, I saw all the men running to the fire.

I don't want them to get hurt.

I looked at the time, and it was almost three in the morning. As I opened the main door, I was greeted by an arrow that stopped near my head and got stuck on the door frame. I gulped and then looked at the arrow in shock.

It had a letter attached to it.


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