7 | Nans Know Everything

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MY SMILE FELL QUICKLY as I realised I was stood in a room of a dozen people and knew none of them. And it wasn't as if I could just sit with them. No, I couldn't do that. By the way they looked down at me as if I was a piece of dirt, I knew it wouldn't be the best idea if I wanted to keep my pride intact. So, I picked the seat as far away from them all as possible, and kept my head down.

The woman, who had come in as William made his leave, stood in the centre of the room. I had to turn in my seat to even see her side profile. Her pinched expression and wrinkled forehead were enough to give the impression that she would stand for no nonsense. Either those around me knew her or got the same vibe, because they all quietened immediately.

I looked to a the grand father clock just beside me, pushed against the wall, to see it was exactly one— the time they'd told us to arrive no later than on either day.

"My name is Ms Everton and I will be supervising everything for the next few weeks." She took in a breath as if she wanted to be anywhere else but here. "Now, each person shall be allocated a butler." She motioned to those stood behind her. "They will take you and your things to your rooms, and will be the ones to ensure you are settled fully. However, I must stress that they are in no means obligated to be at your beck and call 24/7, but shall do all they can from 6am to 7pm."

I wondered how many people would take advantage of this, or even bribe them to do extra hours.

A boy with dark skin and darker still eyes, plopped down beside me. He'd stuck to the wall, so that the woman couldn't see him. Most of his slim build was hidden by an oversized, grey hoodie, and khaki trousers; I came to the realisation, having noted those around us wearing professionally tailored, finely cut clothes, that perhaps he and I weren't so different.

"Have I missed anything?" He whispered to me.

"I'd appreciate if those who arrived late did not talk between themselves," the woman's voice raised a notch, making me flinch. It sliced through the air like a blade, feeling as though it could almost cut us. She spun so that her green eyes could sear into our skin. I must have gone completely red under her gaze. "Did they not teach you manners at school?"

"They did go to a comprehensive," a girl, I didn't recognise, said. Her dark hair was left down, and her almost black eyes morphed to accommodate her smirk. She wore little make up, but she didn't seem to need much of it— her Hispanic features were enough on their own to carry across her obvious beauty.

Those around us scoffed and chuckled. Again, I felt my face heat up. However, it wasn't just embarrassment this time, but anger. It flared within me, and it took all I had not to catapult myself at her or at least say something I'd probably be punished for, severely.

"That's quite enough, Ms Cavellero."

She pushed her lips together tightly, and nodded obediently, but amusement didn't cease to flicker between her eyes, nor did her smirk fall completely.

"I can't wait for three years of this," I muttered to the boy beside me.

"It's not that bad," he muttered back. "She won't be here long: her family's business is filing for bankruptcy."

I was about to ask how on Earth he knew that, but the woman began talking once again. And I didn't particularly feel like being told off again because I'd probably cry, so I turned my full attention to her again.

"The rules are as follows: you are not to be out of your rooms after ten o'clock; you will have a room inspection every other week, and will face expulsion should anything be in there that shouldn't." She stressed this word, and looked around at each face with a critical eye. I assumed she meant like nut-products or something, so didn't take it too seriously. "Your assigned butler will now direct you to your living quarters."

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