Chapter 04

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Fourth chapter, Here you are!


Chapter 04:

The warmth in the darkness, it suddenly turned cold.


A deep but soothing voice rang.

"Child, you shall not perish."

Then slowly but surely the warmth returned, as if the voice had banished the frosty sensation away.


Instantly, the surrounding area turned bright. The majestic magical black furred beast that laid in a meadow of flowers was protecting an infant of man, bestowing her through the power of magic ...his life.

Ashnah distinguished that the infant was her when she had been a newborn.

She was suppose to die before she had even been born.

But her life had been saved because of this magical beast.

And slowly the girl's eyelids lifted, exiting from her dreams. "Mmm." She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Good morning, Princess." The wolf cub greeted.

"Morning. Ray, I had a strange dream." Ashnah divulged, "but it felt real. Like it was something that had already occurred. A memory of the past. That magical beast, he is the reason why I was even born and still am alive today."

Ray's eyes widened as he listened to the brunette's words. Was this little girl possibly recalling what had happened to her even when she had been in Ellen's womb? Or could it be because the day for migrating for magical beasts was going to soon come to pass and she had sensed the King's spirit in her blood because of it?

After explaining the features of the magical beast that had appeared in her dream, Ashnah queried, "do you know a beast of his features?"

Ray answered, nodding his head. "Indeed I do Princess. The one who had appeared in your dream was the First King of Magical Beasts. You had been saved when you were a fetus because of  His Majesty bestowing his blood to you through magic. If he didn't, you would have died due to poisoning in Lady Ellen's womb. And I can no longer keep this a secret from you. Because of his blood .... it is the reason why you can understand magical beast language and make contracts with magical beasts; it is not because the Queen of Fairies had bestowed the power onto to you to do so. Also because of the poison even though you possess mana is the reason you can't utilize any the elements. Sorry for keeping this from you."

"It's alright, Ray." She petted her contracted magical beast's head. Ray had been made that way to it secrets from the original Ashnah due to the plot of the story. She couldn't exactly blame him. Ashnah went into deep her thoughts, 'The Beloved One! plot was always quite peculiar to me. I had found it strange the Queen of Fairies could gift such a power relating to magical beasts. And poisoned from inside my mom's womb. The original Ashnah couldn't use the elements -the main magic- because of it. She wasn't suppose to be useless. This is why I wanted to play the backstory. I even wanted to find out more about it, after interacting with mom so much. She's not the kind of person to do evil acts.... well without a good reason.'

She got up from her bed, trotting over to her window. 'The Beloved One!, even though the otome game seemed like a cliche at first for having an overly beautiful evil step-mother and half-sister -that was element-less- for no apparent reasons, my opinion began to change due to the hints they had dropped here and there within the progress of the game.' Ashnah rested her chin on her palm, her elbow being supported by the windowsill as she gazed out the window. 'The Morley Family isn't as innocent as it had been portrayed in the main story-lines of the capturable targets.'

She couldn't ask her mother, because every time she had even hinted at her father there wasn't only hatred, but Ashnah had been able to witness great sadness in her mother's amethyst eyes. She didn't desire to see her mother in this world suffer just, because of her curiosity.

But she was seven which meant the mysterious death of the heroine's mother was going to occur, then the Archduke picking them up and marrying her mother. With the power her father held in this world, even if they had moved to another kingdom, Ashnah knew there was no escaping the Head of the Morley Family.

One thing the original Ashnah didn't notice was her father's deep love for her mother and her. It was because even though the Archduke knew they were alive one year after the so call death of her mother and her, he didn't come to retrieve them. She had been cold to him and despised him because of that. And Ellen, she had seen the love in the Archduke's eyes but she could never forgive him for loving, marrying and having a child with another woman. She despised him deeply yet she also still loved him.

Since her mother and her couldn't avoid the fate of being taken in the Morley's House, she would have to solve the problems between her parents. And possibly get them together because they still loved one another. She was sure there were misunderstandings somewhere in the mix. Because surely like the Morley Family, their past relationship was not simple.

Ashnah even thought that Anzor didn't love Tazanna as her mother had believed. Using the free fingers of her hand, she tapped then against the windowsill. 'The creator of the plot for The Beloved One!, she's also a mangaka who loves writing plot twists. I expect what occurred in the past to be no different.'

Hope you enjoyed!

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