Chapter One

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Those That See

Chapter One

I sat still as my case worker blabbed on about my case. I was seventeen stuck in a mental institution because I saw "ghost" and heard voices that weren't there. I was the poor orphan girl that everyone felt bad for. Even my social worker gave me the pity eyes.

"Laura? Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, you were saying that Jamie and her husband Jeff want to come "hang out with me" and if all things go well than they would like to foster me. You have said this exact sentence about fifteen times Cam!" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You're a pretty girl Laura but you need a serious attitude check. No one wants a moody teenager at least pretend to be happy." Cam said touched my hand softly.

This woman was always telling me to smile more, take my meds and at least pretend the medication was working.

I couldn't help it I was diagnosed with schizophrenia when I was thirteen. My mom and dad perished in a house fire the year before. I have been seeing shit and hearing stuff ever since. I made the mistake of telling a school councilor that I see and hear this shit...two words BAD IDEA. That's when they called the social worker and the real shrinks not to mention the doctors. Everything went to hell. When they found me, I was found covered in ash and now I got major asthma. I remember the door caving and both my mom and dad where barricaded on the other side.

"Run baby girl! Can you do that for momma?" I remember my mom saying.

"No, I want to stay with you!" I begged.

"Laura! Listen to your mother!" my dad ordered as he choked on smoke.

I ran to the safe spot my mom always talked about if a fire ever happened. What I didn't know was that I would be alone at this very spot when it happened. I watched my house burn and my parents die no wonder I have so many issues.

"Are we done? Because I have books to read and voices to talk to." I got up from the desk chair and waited for a response.

"Just go, but can you try this time?" she asked referring to Jamie and Jeff Meadows.

"Yeah sure." I mumbled as I left her make shift office.

I found Oliver sitting at the craft table. Oliver Green was my best friend unfortunately he wasn't real. Just another delusion of my disorder but he was the best part of this place. He was a ghost, he apparently died ten years ago in an explosion in the left wing of the hospital. He showed but about two weeks into me being transferred here.

"Hey Olly, how's it going?" I asked taking a seat at the table. There was another girl at the table, but she was to drugged up to even know I was there.

"Just the usual, not much a dead guy can do around here." He stated trying to grab a pencil as his hand went right through it.

"So, you just fucked with Terrence all day?" I asked

Terrence is a snobby rich kid that gets locked up here when he goes off his meds. I couldn't remember what he's got but damn did Oliver like to mess with him.

"Well if he's going to be an ass to you than I'm going to fuck with him. Just once I want him to be gone longer than a few months. Why does his father have to lock him up in this loony bin?" he said trying to pick up the pencil again.

"Laura who are you talking to?" asked a slightly less drugged out Mia

"Just the voices!" I screamed and ran down the hallway with Oliver.

I didn't care what the people in here thought of me that stopped when a girl I thought was my friend tried to kill me with a broken pen. She's now in the restricted wing of the hospital. That wing doesn't come into contact with the other people. The reason why is they are not just a risk to themselves but to others as well. Oliver couldn't possibly hurt me he didn't even exist.

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