Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I sat on my bed playing with the Velcro strap on my slipper over and over as Oliver talked about what he did to Terrence while I was in the meeting with Cam.

Obviously, I wasn't allowed shoelaces on my shoes as they were a safety risk. Even if I wasn't suicidal someone in this place was. We all wore the same thing sweatpants, white elastic pants, plain t-shirts, slippers, etc. so fashion was non existent at this loonie bin. Sometimes Cam would offer to bring me clothes or magazines, but I didn't need the reminder that I had no fashion sense. Even with the possibility of this family actually wanting me its not like I had any real belonging.

I hated this place there was nurses watching you all the time. Both Oli and I were convinced there were even cameras in the bathroom mirrors. We were allowed ten-minute showers if you took any longer, they would revoke your privileges. Privileges consist of this:

1. TV time

2. Phone calls (if you had people to call)

3. Outdoors time

4. Community time (going out and enjoying a magical Ice Cream cone)

5. Socializing time

Basically, anything you like to do they won't let you if you take a minute longer washing your hair. Follow the nurses and doctors instructions they will pretty much leave you alone.

"Earth to Laura Goblin of the dammed?" Oli said waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry Oli, I'm just thinking about the Meadows couple. If I fuck up this "Hang Out" with them I'm going to be stuck here for another year." I pinched my nose.

"Then don't mess is up Laura, I know for a fact if you actually wanted those other homes to workout they would have. Tell me to fuck off and I will, I'm only here because you want me to be. No, I'm not a delusion of your so-called disorder. I died, in no way did your mind make me up. I used to be a flesh and blood person, as soon as you realize you're not crazy the sooner you will have a normal life. You can see the dead Laura Woods and we know you can." And with that Oliver left me.

I Starred at the ceiling for a long time. Was what Oliver said true? Have I been seeing the dead all this time? Do I have Schizophrenia or was this a way of the doctor explaining what I was seeing? Was Schizophrenia the truth or was it a Lie?

My thoughts evaporated when the dinner buzzer went off. I walked down the hall to the dining hall. I stood in line waiting for my meatloaf, creamed corn and mash potatoes. I had about twenty minutes to eat before the trouble maker patients would start a food fight, get violent or play with their food instead of eating it. It was a Friday night and that meant a movie in the common area. It was always a children's movie because apparently, we all had the mind of a six-year-old. There was nothing wrong with these movies but when you have been here for a long time, they generally play the same themed movies. Tomorrow I meet with the Meadows and I hope this will be my one way ticket out of here for good. All I had to do was behave, was that going to be so hard?

I finished my meal and was able to make it back to my room without being spotted by a nurse. Of course, the cameras were watching me but as long as nurse David didn't catch me going to bed early, I wouldn't have to deal with his crabby ass. Nurse David hated night shifts and all the patients here knew that. If he happens to see you breath wrong, he will schedule you an extra therapy session with his girlfriend the shrink here. Bethany Holland wasn't actually David's girlfriend but we all could tell they had a "thing" going on. David was always outside her office at lunch time and dinner time. So, if you avoided her office you were safe. Nurse David was also one of Oli's victims, Oliver will move important documents, trip David in the hallway, and more.

I made it to my room just as David and Dr Holland made their rounds. I slipped inside my room just as they turned down the hall. David pushed a trolley of medication and waited at the end of the hall for the patients to go check in. Once the patients received their medication, they were allowed to either go to bed or go watch the movie. A knock on my door reviled that they had seen me enter my room.

I opened the door to see Dr. Holland with a cup of pills.

"I know how nurse David get on a night shift. Here is your pills Laura"

I took the pills and swallowed them dry, opening my mouth and moving my tongue to show that I had indeed swallowed them.

"Goodnight Laura don't be up to late." Said Dr Holland as she turned to go back to David at the cart.

I lay in bed starring at the ceiling, tomorrow I see the Meadows, tomorrow is a chance at freedom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2019 ⏰

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