29 | Two Goliaths

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Ryan's sermon stayed with Nora for the rest of the sleepover. She turned it over in her mind, tossing between his words and her dad's hateful eyes. She slipped in and out of conversations, and it was honestly a miracle that no one accused her of being preoccupied.

Now, she hopped out of Nathan's car and shut the door behind her. With a final wave at Willow and Nathan, she fell into step beside Nolan and started toward his apartment.

It was his idea for them to hang out. She couldn't help but wonder if it was more out of concern for her well-being than actually wanting her company. Either way, she was glad to not be going home.


Caleb burst through the front door, legs bouncing. He waved feverishly.

"Hi!" she called, waving with just as much fervor.


"Glad to see you care I'm home," Nolan drawled as they started up the porch.

"I do," Caleb said. "I'm just happier to see her."

Nora failed to stifle a laugh. Nolan gave her a flat look.

They'd barely reached the top step before Caleb hauled them into the building and into the Haynes' apartment. He dashed across the kitchen, stocking-clad feet slipping and sliding across the floor. "Follow me!" he ordered. And then he was gone, flying into the living room.

"Where should I...?"

Nolan dumped his sleeping bag and backpack onto the floor. "Right here," he said.

She dropped her stuff.

"Come on!" Caleb was back in the kitchen doorway, his hands on his hips. He tapped his foot, like a meter keeping up with a high tempo.

"What's your issue?" Nolan asked.

"I need your help."

They shared a glance and followed Caleb into the living room. There, they found Greg asleep on the couch. Caleb thumped him awake, and he jumped.

"Hey!" Greg smiled at Nolan and Nora as he sat up. "You're home. And Nora—nice surprise."

She curtsied. "The pleasure is mine."

She would say she should be a princess, but she'd seen Barbie's Princess and the Pauper. Way too much responsibility.

An impatient throat-clearing sent her attention veering to Caleb, who now stood on the couch, defiant hands on his hips. Her eyebrows rose.

"You know why he's being weird?" Nolan asked Greg.

"I won't let him go to Ashfield."

"But I wanna go!"


He turned to Nolan. "You said Goliath didn't beat me."

Nora bit her lip as Nolan frowned. Was that why Caleb wanted to go? To prove that his bully couldn't ruin a place he enjoyed? But...his eye was still bruised: a reminder to everyone who loved him.

"He didn't," Nolan said. "But Greg's right. It's too soon."

He huffed. "Why?"

"You were hurt, Caleb."

"That won't change later."

Nora blinked.

"Why can't you wait a week?" Greg asked. "Let your eye fully heal, at least."

"I'll be even more scared if I wait," Caleb said.

"What?" Greg asked.

"Mom always said that if something's scary, you should face it. Or else it just gets scarier."

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