47- You made me

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You made me smile brightly,

When all i wanted to do was sob.

You made me giggle,

When all I wanted was to scream.

You made me blush, shaming a tomato 

When all I wanted then was to become invisible.

You made me want to live,

When all I wanted was to die.

You made me laugh and beam,

When all I wanted was to be angry.

You made me sleep soundly,

When all I wanted was to cry through the night.

You made my sky fill with stars,

When it was dull, smokey and polluted.

You made my eyes glimmer with hope

When all I wanted was to give up.

You made me who I am,

When all these years I was someone else.

How do I thank you, Kanha?

How do I thank you?

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