Chapter 54

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"Run!" Lucian shouts again and all of us take off in the opposite direction. 

I try not to look behind but I can hear the smooth slivering of the serpents scales as they glide over the icy walls, towards us. 

My legs aren't as long as the five Plutonian's and I almost slip and fall when we turn a corner. Lucian picks me up and I wrap my legs around his torso so that he can carry me easily. Even with the extra weight, he is still able to run as fast as the others. 

I hold on to Lucian with one arm and shoot at the serpents behind us with the other. I manage to hit one but it barely makes a difference. More and more serpents emerge from hidden corners. The horrid sound of their hissing echoes through the air like a deadly chant and rattles me with fear. 

We run through another passageway which leads to a much larger compartment. I look up at ceiling and see the light from outside shining through. 

Remulus, Altair, Deneb, Sirius and I simultaneously shoot at the monsters chasing us. I look back and my eyes widen in horror when I see more serpents exiting the hole we came through. There must be about a hundred of them. There is no way we can outrun them. 

One of the guys shoots a serpent that is just a few feet away from us. I grit my teeth hard, wondering if there is something we can do. The brightness from outside only illuminates how large and horrendous those creatures are. 

"Head for cover!" Lucian pants tiredly as he points at another hole in the far corner ahead of us.

And just like that, a thought suddenly hits me and I realize that the ice above must be thin enough for the light to pass through. 

I aim my gun at the ceiling while we run towards the hole and then fire multiple rounds at the ice above. Remulus sees this and does the same, getting the idea and soon the others join in to fire at the ceiling above the serpents. 

Even Lucian manages to twist around -despite the weight of my body- and shoot. 

A loud crack echoes through the hall like thunder. Some of the serpents stop in their tracks and then the ice ceiling above gives way. Large blocks of ice fall from above and crash on to them. Their wails are deafening and I watch the floor underneath them give way, taking them down with it. 

We run towards the hole Lucian pointed to, amidst the rain of rocks from above which crash into the floor, breaking it under their weight. Soon the entire chamber has a large gaping hole with serpents and rocks falling into it. 

I hold on to Lucian tightly and my body slams against his back as he runs. A loud hiss echoes through the air and I see a serpent behind us falling into the hole. It's long tail whips towards us and grabs Lucian's leg. 

It pulls him, making us both fall to the ground. The serpent pulls Lucian towards the hole and I scream in desperation. Lucian however is quick enough to shoot it right in it's tail. The creature releases him immediately and disappears into the darkness below. 

Lucian gets up and I run to him. I cast him a grateful smile but then we hear the soft cracking of ice below us. I look down warily and see a criss-crossed line forming through my feet.

"Don't move, Aria," Lucian whispers as if his voice would break the ice. He puts out his hand and gestures for me to take it. "Grab my hand and we jump."

The floor rumbles under my feet and I feel it moving. I reach out to grab Lucian's hand but then  something curls around my ankle. I look down at my feet and see a serpents cold slimy tail. 

Before any of us can react the floor gives way and the serpent pulls me down with it. The last thing I hear before I disappear into the chaos is Lucian's voice screaming my name. 

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