chapter 1

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Third Person POV:

Isaac highly disliked Zavier,

and Zavier highly disliked Isaac back.

That had been the routine for both boys ever since high school had started.

Before high school, they had merely been acquaintances, not friends, but not enemies either. Just someone you could maybe do an awkward smile to if you saw them in the streets.

However, as time went on, their competitiveness increased, both of them always wanting to be the best in everything. Although he would never admit it, Isaac was jealous of Zavier's good looks; the fact he got all the girls, and could never not be invited to a party. Likewise, Zavier was jealous of Isaac's brain; and his ability to play sports well. But they could never admit that to each other.


Instead, they had an unspoken rivalry between the two of them; a lot of teases from Zavier and many glares from Isaac.

"My mom said to give this to you." Isaac walked up to Zavier, looking anywhere except Zavier who was currently snogging his third girlfriend of the week,

and it was only Tuesday.

Zavier opened his eyes, not taking his mouth off the girl's, or removing his hand from her bum, instead grabbing it tighter, not taking his eyes off of Isaac's.

Isaac scoffed, crossing his arms. He could give it to him later, he decided, turning around to leave Zavier's makeout session.

"Wait." Zavier's voice called from behind, an annoyed whine coming from the girl because of the interruption. Isaac stopped, and slowly turned back around, a permanent frown etched on his face whenever he was around Zavier.

"What did you need to give me?" Zavier asked, his pink lips still swollen from the kissing.

"Just this stupid letter or something." Isaac handed the paper to him, keeping his fingers at the very end of the paper that was facing towards him to make sure he'd avoid contact with Zavier.

Either Zavier knew what Isaac was trying to do, or maybe he just wanted a strong grip on the paper but either way, Zavier reached for the paper, making sure his fingers brushed Isaac's, somehow making Isaac's frown become even deeper.

Isaac turned to leave again, his messenger job being done for now when he was stopped again by the same voice.

"Don't you wanna know what it says?"

"Don't care." Isaac walked off, not stopping to listen to any more of Zavier's 'wise words'. It may have been more bearable for the two if they only had to see each other at school but alas, fate wasn't on their side since their dads were best buddies.

Two peas in a pod.

Thick as thieves.

Joined at the hips.

Whatever idiom you could use to describe best friends, that was their dads. This meant many awkward dinners at each other's houses with very uncomfortable questions being asked about their own 'friendship'.

"I'm guessing you just saw Zavier." One of Isaac's best friends, Gemma , spoke seeing him walk towards her with a frown on his face.

"You're gonna have to at least talk to him without wanting to punch his face if you're both gonna be joint captains of the soccer team. Your 'rivalry' is not gonna mess up the soccer season this year." She carried on, leaning against the lockers.

"I know I know, don't remind me." Isaac grumbled, opening his locker to get his books.

Isaac opened his mouth to speak again when he saw Jax sprinting round the corner, nearly bumping into a group of freshmen.

"I just got a detention." Jax puffed out, putting his hands on his knees to try and get his breath back.

"Lessons haven't even started yet Jax... how have you already got a detention?" Gemma raised her eyebrow at him, sporting a disbelieving look.

"Mrs Turner." Jax sheepishly smiled, his blonde hair flying all over the place. Mrs Turner was notorious for giving people unnecessary detentions.

Gemma sighed, shaking her head slightly at him.

"Well well, if it isn't the three freaks."

Bella Wilson. The most bitchiest girl Isaac had ever met which is why it wasn't surprising that she was in the same 'clique' as Zavier.

"Leave us the fuck alone Wilson." Gemma groaned, not ready to deal with Bella's bullshit yet.

"What did you just say to me?" Bella's lips twisted into a sneer, raising her perfectly trimmed eyebrows.

Gemma walked closer to her, not leaving much space between the two of them. " I said leave us the fuck alone Wilson." She snarled in Bella's face, clearly pronouncing each word.

"Ugh, who do you think you are? You bitch." Bella lifted her hand up to strike Gemma's face but was pulled away by none other than Mr Zavier.

"Okay Okay, let's not make a scene here." Zavier tried to calm Bella down, her eyes holding a storm in them. Isaac gazed around to see a small crowd that was forming, he hadn't even been paying attention to his surroundings.

Just thinking of ways he could fight Bella without actually fighting her.

Isaac glared at Zavier who was currently playing the hero- some girls were even asking for photos.

He hadn't even done shit, Isaac thought.

Zavier felt a heated glare on the side of his face and turned to see none other than Mr Grumpy glaring at him. Isaac's reactions always made him laugh; the way he would squirm whenever Zavier was near or glare at him. That's why Zavier couldn't help but tease him more.

He leaned in, his lips brushing against Isaac's ear, "Control your friends, princess". Isaac's blood boiled as he practically felt the smirk on Zavier's face at getting the last word in. With that, Zavier walked away- leaving a furious Gemma, a frustrated Isaac and an unbothered Jax.

"I hate all of them." Isaac spat out, watching their whole group walk away. Gemma and Jax murmured in agreement, before going back to bringing out their books for first period.

A/N: listen to the song while reading lol, it's not really related but i like the song. decided to start writing this dk if i'll finish it but enjoy anyways. for the next chapter, the coach calls them by their surnames so Reid= Zavier. Jones= Isaac. Idk who else for now but I'll try and indicate who it is.

posting this today 31/07/20 cuz i've already written 5 chapters lmao but enjoy. this book is just a whim.

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