#6 Avarice - The Evil Within Us

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|त्रिविधं नरकस्येदं द्वारं नाशनमात्मन:|
||काम: क्रोधस्तथा लोभस्तस्मादेतत्त्रयं त्यजेत्||

Trividham Narakasyodah Dwārah Nāshana MātmanahaKāmah Krodhastatha Lobhaha Tasmāt Etat Trayam Tyajet

Chapter 16 , verse 21 of Geeta , it says there are three doors to hell - Greed , anger and lust. Unfortunately , the lines of this sloka have remained enclosed in the books only. No one tends to follow it nowadays. The things we want , our desires , are on the top of our minds. Do you agree?

Another Sanskrit sloka defines that greed is the root of ALL THE SINS

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Another Sanskrit sloka defines that greed is the root of ALL THE SINS. It can give you materialistic pleasure , but not true happiness. In fact true happiness lies in helping others and keeping ourselves satisfied in the things we already have.

Greed eats up a person and sucks all the happiness from his life

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Greed eats up a person and sucks all the happiness from his life. Thank God that he has given you life , after all, Lord Krishna has told us that we'll leave everything after death. Our good works shall remain Immortal.

You are not doing a big favor if you help others , that is your duty

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You are not doing a big favor if you help others , that is your duty. The good shall get its outcome and so will bad. Someone said ..... "No one has become poor by giving".

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