18 - the butterflies

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It was a boring day at work, and they were almost the only ones in the store.

A town holiday, that she hadn't heard of until last week, would be taking place all day. Considering most local customers celebrated the holiday and stayed home, majority of the store's employees also had the privilege of taking the day off.

Since Ali both needed the money and didn't care much for the holiday, she decided to work. As for Sawyer, he simply showed up out of boredom.

Ali held her phone above her face as she scrolled through social media. She crossed her feet and began humming a vague tune that echoed throughout the empty store.

Sawyer, who was sitting on a chair all the way on the other side of the counter, suddenly stood and craned his neck to peek at the entrance. "I think someone's coming."

"Finally," she huffed as she sat up from the counter and swung her legs to the side. A bell rang as the customer entered; Ali waved enthusiastically from across the store.

"Hi, welcome! If you need any help, please don't hes—"

"Can I just use your bathroom?" the lady asked, smiling awkwardly.

Ali sighed and gestured toward the restrooms. "All the way down to your left."

"Thank you!" she exclaimed before quickly wobbling in the given direction.

"My pleasure," Ali mumbled as she laid back down across the counter. She stared at the ceiling for a moment, blowing out a long breath, then turned her head to look at him.

His eyes swiftly shot down to the ground, missing hers by a millisecond. A small smile grew onto her lips as she gazed at his tall figure, slumped against the plastic chair. His dark hair glistened in the cheap lighting of the department store, and she wondered if it felt as soft as it looked.

Ali cleared her throat. "Are you bored too?"


"Let's do something then," she said as her eyes wandered off on its own. Once a thought came to mind, she flipped onto her stomach excitedly and unlocked her phone. "Okay, let's do a sociopath quiz and compare results. I'll go first."

Sawyer watched her curiously as she scrolled through her phone, her feet swinging slightly in the air. Once she was finished, she turned to him and smiled. "Your turn. I'll read the questions out loud and you say yes or no, cool?"

He nodded.

"First question: are you superficially charming and intelligent?"


"Do you have delusions or other signs of irrational thinking?"


"Are you generally reliable?"


"Do you regularly tell lies or say insincere things?"

"Yes," Sawyer said, then paused. "Unless you're Alice."

She smiled. "Do you feel remorse or shame?"

"Yes, but not often."

"Is your behavior antisocial for no good reason?"


"Do you experience emotions like most other people do?"


"Do you often have to fake your actions and responses to others?" Alice asked, but chose an answer before he even responded.


"Does your partying behavior get out of hand?"

Sawyer blinked. "I don't even go to parties."

"Me neither," Ali chuckled, then cleared her throat loudly. "Okay, last question! Do you feel that you're incapable of love?"

"Y—" Sawyer started, but the word seemed to get caught in his throat. She glanced over at him as he stood from his chair and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

When he still didn't respond, she raised an eyebrow at him. "Tough question?"

"Yeah," he muttered. "I don't know."

"Well, have you ever felt the butterflies in your stomach? Or felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest because of someone?" Ali asked, and although she didn't realize it, that mere question made him feel all of those things at once. Because it came out of her mouth.

She looked back down at her phone as she received a notification, and his eyes immediately fell onto her. He gazed at her, feeling his heart pound at every inch of her face, and the answer became clear.

"No," Sawyer said quietly. "I think I'm capable."

Ali smiled at him, averting her eyes from her phone. "So you've been in love before?"

"Not yet."

"Solid answer," she nodded, then sat herself up on the counter. She was oblivious to the way his eyes swept over her, like he didn't want to forget how she looked every second he was with her.

  She then inhaled deeply, puffing out her chest, and tapped the submit button. "Let's see our results! Here, you look at them first."

She handed him her phone, and he skimmed over it blankly before his eyes widened. "You'll never believe this, Alice."

"What, what?"

"You're...you're..." Sawyer paused dramatically. "You're not a sociopath."

Her face dropped, out of lack of surprise rather than disappointment. "Oh. What about you?"

"Still a sociopath. The only thing that's changed is that I'm Buzzfeed-certified now."

"Shut up," Ali laughed and playfully pushed against his shoulder, having done so almost instinctively. Taken aback by her unexpected touch, he seemed to stand there for a moment, while she became distracted with her phone again.

Sawyer slowly turned his back to her and put his hand over his stomach, swallowing harshly.


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