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@Ellismskd23 as noted to others before, the Ambassadors are not deleting the option. There is more information on the Help pages here - - but this decision was taken by Wattpad, not our Ambassadors. The Ambassadors are volunteers and have no influence over this decision. Please read the Help pages for more information and you can also contact Wattpad via the Help pages if you wish to give feedback. Thank you.


@TheOrangutan Wattpad is to be given this message. 
          	  "Hey Wattpad, did you know that eliminating private messaging is going to get you into a lot of legal trouble? It doesn't matter that now your owners are from South Korea. You are still under surveillance by the Canadian Government and eliminating serious messaging. Failure to comply with the first Amendment. I think you have to think about it and reverse the decision."


@aleksandraross - The Ambassadors are not deleting the option. There is more information on the Help pages here - - but this decision was taken by Wattpad, not our Ambassadors. The Ambassadors are volunteers and have no influence over this decision. Please read the Help pages for more information and you can also contact Wattpad via the Help pages if you wish to give feedback. Thank you.


Hello, I have just recently realized the fact that one of my first  and favorite books I ever read was taken down. The title was “Hard Royal Love”. Would you ambassadors happen to know why? 
          -Thanks, Elizabeth


            thank you for your information. Would you happen to know someone I could contact to get a sense of closure for this?


@Ur_Motherless - Hi Elizabeth, the Ambassadors do not have any sight into the Wattpad internal systems as they are not staff. So, they can't really give any information there as they simply don't have it. Sorry.


Hi, I've got a message from the ambassadors telling me to stop advertising my work on their platforms. I apologise for the lack of etiquette on my part but I really cannot find any community that'll help me find readers. Please response :)


@TheOrangutan thank you very much :)


@Byuno_o - sorry, but responses aren't always instant. The best way forward in my experience is to find people who write similar stuff to you, read their stuff, leave feedback, build relationships, and utilise the community to help you improve as a writer. You can also often find folks who have advertising 'stories' on their profiles. To me though, it's all about building relationships with other writers. It might be a slower burn, but I'd say it's infinitely more valuable in the long run.


@ Byuno_o  I really sorry to bother you.


@TheOrangutan Again ty. And I hope you weren't thinking I was giving attitude. I genuinely am asking from a place of understanding and community. Nor have I spammed individuals. I simply thought the pages were public forums to talk to others in wattpad community and Meet other writers. I never "spammed". Or specifically asked an Ambassador to read my work. It was for general; so I thought. Like a quick hello lol. 
            I also did read content guidelines before I posted my work; that's not something I missed. It's rated mature and not intended for a younger audience. I simply added the extra warnings for adults as well who don't read adult romance. :). As do I think others do too. I very much so don't want children having access to my content.
            Just for other tiny tidbits of rules like sharing a story link I didn't know wasn't allowed. I've never posted on someone's page specifically asking them for a read. That definitely is bad form. It was just confusing thinking it was a public forum page and not intended for outreach. I'll go back to not saying anything and ignoring what other users do lol. 
            Again thankyou for the response. 


I'm new here, and especially about these Ambassador profiles. Just recently saw a bunch of people promoting their works on pages so I followed suit. I didn’t see it wasn't allowed. But just received a private message from you guys saying it's not. That my advert/post was removed. That it was in the about me, which I didn't see :(.
            But since we cannot promote ourselves like that on the very platform we post on; what are other ways within this app that help us? And other rules etc that aren't so easy to know when you're a new user here?


@LoLaceWrites - no worries, and absolutely not thinking you were giving attitude at all, it's always nice to see people asking questions about wattpad and how things work.


@LoLaceWrites - I'd advise against spamming people / profiles to read your work, it's poor etiquette. The best way forward in my experience is to find people who write similar stuff to you, read their stuff, leave feedback, build relationships, and utilise the community to help you improve. It might be a slower burn, but I'd say it's infinitely more valuable in the long run. 
            I'd also advise making yourself aware of the Content Guidelines in particular as they govern what you can and can't post on Wattpad. For example, just cos you've said "Mature Content, read at your own risk" in your story's About Me section does not give you the right to upload content that's contrary to Wattpad guidelines. 
            Oh, and be aware of the Mute, Block and Report functions too. If you see something you think is contrary to guidelines, or someone's giving you a hard time, then there are systems in place to help you be safe as a user. And the Ambassadors are always available to answer any questions you might have if you can't find the answer on the Help pages.


@TheOrangutan Its simply a bit vague on some of the articles; I swear I'm not daft lol. So when I seen a lot of users doing things, I figured it was allowed. Especially when their posts remain up.
              So generally what are a few things others do, that aren't allowed?


Bring back the Bulgarian language ! This is one of the most absurd decisions u have made Watpad ! No one deserves this kind of treatment, especially people who spent their youth and teenage years here ! We live in the 21st century, what is this discrimination between languages ​​and nations ? Why should we be called "others"? Aren't we human ? Don't we have rights like everyone else ? Why should we be treated differently ? I am so disappointed and I guarantee that we won't stop fighting for ur language !  Is this what ur ancestors fought for ? To make fun of our language and culture ? With our history, with us ? It's a shame, really, a shame because until a few days ago I felt this app was a temple of relaxation, a place where u can't be judged by anyone and everyone can be themselves. Tell me what to do with my life from now ? With my creativity ? What kind of development do u expect from young artists when they extend their hand to u to help them, and u guys cut it off with a light swing ? What kind of people, Russia,
           Ukraine and Serbia, but not Bulgaria?! 
           #ИскамеСиЕзикаОбратно #BringBackBulgarianLanguage #BringAllLanguageBack #JusticeForBulgaria 


@ihatemyself_24 sign and share this petition if your language is one of the no longer supported ones as of 11th of June 2024 -


@ ihatemyself_24  !!


Being that private messaging is now "null and void", how will potential ambassadors now learn and be informed of the fact that they have been accepted onto the team?


@_misheto - tagging someone who is a regular Wattpad user will do absolutely nothing to help your cause, please don't do that. 
            As I've noted to others on other recent changes, the Ambassadors (and certainly not regular users) are not making the changes here. This decision was taken by Wattpad, not our Ambassadors. You can contact Wattpad via the Help pages if you wish to give feedback. Thank you.


@AnimalSaga394 - we have an alternative communications process in place.