
"My Hope” is now complete!


I have just completed "MyHope" and it is a wonderful story. Loved every character. 
          Are you going to write a book on Zade and Zander finding their soul mates ?  
          Please do consider a spin off of this story. I am sure many of your readers are curious to know about their journey to find soul mates.


@HeidiJones6 write two separate books. Make it easier on yourself to focus on one ɓrother at a time 


Thank you so much for supporting my book and for your feedback. I am working on a book about the twins, but I'm currently having writers block!! So I don't want to start putting up chapters until I have more of the book complete.  I only hope everyone likes their journey as well.


I have finished reading My hope and let me say i have never read any story like this i have read many werewolf stories but this is beyond me it so captivating and interesting is there a even a squel about their baby or coz i cant get enough of this story


Thank you! Your feedback really means a lot to me. I am trying to work on a story about the twins finding love. You will see Hope and Noah in there as well! 


This story is amazing I enjoy the characters and there interactions aswell as the love, affection, respect, and support they give each other this is one of my favorite stories to read and also day dream about I hope everyone enjoys this story as much as I do if not more 


Thank you so much. That really means a lot to me. I appreciate your feedback. 


I love your stories and your writing style. I hope you will have time soon to finish "In your dreams". Thank you 


@emyemu .  Thank you so much.  I truly appreciate your feedback and input. That is so kind.  I will certainly try to work on the next book in this series.  And I will let you know when it's available. 