
Did a complete flip edit on Poison For An Assassin. How's everyone doing? 


@KatieColttt can't wait 2 read ur 2nd book if it's anything like the first book I'm in 4 one hell of a ride 


@KatieColttt been waiting for ur update since forever HAHAHA also the maid for the heir


Hey Kate I'm also a writer ofc, my main books has been a working progress for four years and I'm writing a non related book here on Wattpad. Anyway I just wanted to say your one of the rare, special writers of books that I have a fun little time reading. So keep up the good work because Sister you have some writing skill. Don't be afraid to expand and push boundaries because books have no censor. Ps mine are not sugar coded nor kid friendly. Nice job if your interested check out my book in progress got more of The Tale of The Broken Protector done


          Please check out my story.
          Eiluned Railings and Kent Hawthorne: two lions in a den of wolves, equally ferocious and deadly, but with one crucial difference—they hated each other with every fiber of their being. Their explosive, physical fights had become legendary at Wytham House School, and now, they faced the ultimate punishment: to either move in together or be expelled. But beneath their fiery animosity, something else was brewing... a forbidden attraction that threatened to unravel their carefully constructed hatred.
          Here's a link:  https://www.wattpad.com/story/368121508?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=AmandaBlackRose11
          A sweet thank you. ❤️