
I want to speak up and share my side of the situation regarding Shadow's @Dragon-Wolfiee bullying behavior towards me today. 
          	I have discovered evidence that Shadow has been reaching out to other writers on this platform, attempting to dissuade them from interacting with me using the age card 
          	She's 21 her self she's a hypocrite 
          	It's ironic that most of the people she follows seem to be echoing her negative sentiment. 
          	She appears to be using them to carry out her malicious intentions. 
          	Just look at her recent announcement she is encouraging people to send me death threats and hate speech and 
          	Now she's trying to play the victim card and saying that I'm the reason she's leaving let's be for real she has said this for a while 
          	In response to accusations that I stole excerpts from another user,@EilyakViolence  book I invite everyone to read both books and compare them to see for themselves. 
          	Let the truth speak for itself.
          	And then she wants to say that I steal her book ideas ?!?
          	 I literally had six  on going book promotions like my most popular the Swiftly Writing Community that I started three months ago before she even made her new account 
          	I don't need to copy anybody I have my own original ideas 
          	She's starting stuff because she has some kind of unhealthy obsession with me 
          	 I found out today I found my trusted source  that she has been talking bad about me and two other writers @JankyFluffy and @SeraDrake 
          	This is literally getting crazy I don't even feel safe anymore
          	every single day I have to deal with her putting bad reviews about my books....


          	  I've already blocked her please stop talking about this the situation is over I don't want anything to do with her I don't wish her any ill well I wish her well in her life you can tell her that if you want but I don't want her or her little trolls around me I'm not going to take down my books because she's reporting them I will continue to be The confident person I am and if she gets intimidated 
          	  And I already know she's upset I'm  back I don't really care if you could be open minded and not take sides can you please  not come around me
          	  One of my boundaries is that I don't want anyone around me who will start drama
          	  I literally cried myself to sleep last night but luckily a few people on here actually care they didn't take sides and they knew that I do not steal anybody's books


@The__Tourtured__Poet I’m not I’m saying I’ve seen the screenshots she sent me and there’s nothing in them that she said. So please stop telling people she did. You’re the one who brought it up and you couldn’t just blocked her.ive seen so many people in this drama and it’s getting pissed annoying that I come on wattpad to see so much drama there’s better ways to deal with it like blocking and reporting.  


I find that so much of us battle with insecurities , whether we too thin or too chubby , whether we have too much pimples , you don't like your freckles cause it messes up your face , you don't like this acne cause they'll laugh at you and you might even feel as though you wished you had been more prettier JUST LIKE THEM OR HER  , NOOOOOO SERIOUSLY STOP ✨
          you are perfect just the way you are , I see someone that I truly adore when I see you , YES YOUUUUU ❤️❤️❤️❤️✨
          because you might have all those flaws , but none of them make you worthless , and I'll tell you why .
          You have something that they don't have and that is the inner beauty .Many can have a cute face , flawless skin but within , they full of dust 
          Is that really an image you wanna spend your time wanting to be like ??? nahh 
          BE YOU , CONTINUE TO BE KIND , CONTINUE TO LOVE cause that's the cutest , most beautiful quality that I admire about you ✨
          You will always be perfect in me and God's eyes . ❤️✨


Me randomly jumping on Wattpad and opening notifications . The notifications:
          I really wish that there wasn’t so much of it on Wattpad. This is meant to be a happy community for writers—but sometimes it is something else entirely


I want to speak up and share my side of the situation regarding Shadow's @Dragon-Wolfiee bullying behavior towards me today. 
          I have discovered evidence that Shadow has been reaching out to other writers on this platform, attempting to dissuade them from interacting with me using the age card 
          She's 21 her self she's a hypocrite 
          It's ironic that most of the people she follows seem to be echoing her negative sentiment. 
          She appears to be using them to carry out her malicious intentions. 
          Just look at her recent announcement she is encouraging people to send me death threats and hate speech and 
          Now she's trying to play the victim card and saying that I'm the reason she's leaving let's be for real she has said this for a while 
          In response to accusations that I stole excerpts from another user,@EilyakViolence  book I invite everyone to read both books and compare them to see for themselves. 
          Let the truth speak for itself.
          And then she wants to say that I steal her book ideas ?!?
           I literally had six  on going book promotions like my most popular the Swiftly Writing Community that I started three months ago before she even made her new account 
          I don't need to copy anybody I have my own original ideas 
          She's starting stuff because she has some kind of unhealthy obsession with me 
           I found out today I found my trusted source  that she has been talking bad about me and two other writers @JankyFluffy and @SeraDrake 
          This is literally getting crazy I don't even feel safe anymore
          every single day I have to deal with her putting bad reviews about my books....




            I've already blocked her please stop talking about this the situation is over I don't want anything to do with her I don't wish her any ill well I wish her well in her life you can tell her that if you want but I don't want her or her little trolls around me I'm not going to take down my books because she's reporting them I will continue to be The confident person I am and if she gets intimidated 
            And I already know she's upset I'm  back I don't really care if you could be open minded and not take sides can you please  not come around me
            One of my boundaries is that I don't want anyone around me who will start drama
            I literally cried myself to sleep last night but luckily a few people on here actually care they didn't take sides and they knew that I do not steal anybody's books


@The__Tourtured__Poet I’m not I’m saying I’ve seen the screenshots she sent me and there’s nothing in them that she said. So please stop telling people she did. You’re the one who brought it up and you couldn’t just blocked her.ive seen so many people in this drama and it’s getting pissed annoying that I come on wattpad to see so much drama there’s better ways to deal with it like blocking and reporting.  


My beautiful soul, I wanted to let you know that I have been experiencing a lot of stress lately  and I have decided to take some quiet time for myself today and most likely tomorrow.
           I will only be engaging with others when I feel like it and will be focusing on continuing my new poetry book, "Tears and Ink."
           I would greatly appreciate your support by voting on each chapter and leaving comments if you feel inclined.
           I value your opinion and would love to hear what you think. 
          Thank you for understanding, and I hope you have a lovely day. 
          I just need some time to myself right now. ♥️


@The__Tourtured__Poet Take all the time you need and get well :⁠-⁠)


            I don't want anything to do with you have a good life


Hi guys.
          I just wanna come on here and give a shout out to someone who's been supporting my book since day 1. She's a keeper. She's amazing and I wanna be more like her<3
          Thank you so much. You uplifting so much positivity in me I'm actually inspired to do great on my book.
          Thank you <3 


            You're welcome dearest your books are amazing don't let anyone else tell you otherwise 
            And feel free to stop by whenever you want to I'm always open to chatting


Good morning everyone, 
          I hope you are all having a good day so far. I wanted to address a concerning issue that has come to my attention. One of my followers, who I considered a friend, but i will not namedrop has been spreading harmful rumors about me and a few others on this platform. It is disappointing to see someone resort to such behavior.
          Tomorrow is my birthday, and while I will be turning 18 plus, I want to make it clear that being of legal age does not make me a sexual predator.
           I lead a simple life focused on reading books and promoting them. 
          I do not engage in role play with anyone except my girlfriend and children, and that relationship is strictly platonic.
          I do not wish to have drama on my page, and if the individual continues to spread baseless accusations, I will not hesitate to share screenshots of their toxic behavior.
           It is important to respect boundaries and show kindness to others. Let's not allow negativity to overshadow the good things in life.
          Thank you for understanding, and I hope you all have a wonderful day ahead.


@SeraDrake I NEVER badmouthed you or Janky!
            Also...I don't even know your gender. So I'm sorry if you didn't believe a pathological liar all the time and didn't ditch me as a friend when me and you were friends before you and her were friends then I would actually know you a bit better.
            I don't purposely misgender people to "annoy" them I generally didn't know.


@The__Tourtured__Poet Bullying happens in days, weeks, months or years not a few hours. Actually learn the definition before using a word you don't clearly understand.


            She's literally testing my patience she's calling me a liar because I told everybody I can't respond as fast cuz I'm at work I'm literally on my break right now I'm about to blow up on her she said she's not a toxic but she's literally bullying me


Did you add me on my discord yet?
